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Mr. Phil bought me this adorable bench..............I love it. The other night he moved it on the front lawn in just the right place............ we could watch the harvest moon come up. It was beautiful. I snuggled in a quilt right next.................and we talked and enjoyed the Cicada bugs and frogs making their noise of the night. I think I am appreciating time more...........I know God has many things for us to learn as He stretches our family into His image. As you all know sometimes that is right where you are supposed to be...........but if you are like me...........I wiggle! Smile! I am thankful He has me in His clinched fist. He knows best.
Good Morning sweet ladies from our FARM!
I am home and loving it this morning! I went outside in my NIGHTGOWN and looked around my farm. The sun is shining and it is very cool outside. What more could a Farm Girl want? It is kind of funny............ I am seeing everything with new eyes. The fact that I don't get to be home in the mornings makes the mornings very special when I am............ home.
I have to tell you about when I got home last night from work. I had to put in 2 1/2 hours of overtime so I was a little late coming home. I had a special time awaiting when I got home.
I have a precious granddaughter (all three of them are precious), that all she wanted for her birthday was to come to grammies and bring her best friend! Sooooo last night was the beginning of the celebration. Living on a farm there is so much to do. Poppa and I drove into the front lane and Savannah and her little friend Lauren were running down the lane to great us. That is a special feeling for a Grammie to tuck into her heart on the rainy days. Anyway they were talking a mile a minute on what they wanted to do. I got out of my work outfit, cleaned up and got ready for the day. Tay came to me and whispered that she had made her a birthday cake.
The girls went to the heart shaped shelf, I have hanging on the kitchen wall. I have our aprons hanging on the pegs and each picked the one that suited them. I tied the apron strings in the back and off we went to wander. They led the way........we were on an adventure.......I was sure that would take me from one part of the farm to the other. I was tired............from the long week...........but I would never miss this..................I was blessed...............first we...........
.....saw Miss Red she was waiting out at the back door to greet us. The girls each took a turn loving on her and of course Grammie had to take a picture of each. I love the first pic of my granddaughter.
We then went to the coop to gather eggs............watered all the girls and boys............fed the baby ducks and Mrs. Puddleduck...........also all the little chickies in the little milk they are off to the garden to the sweet potato patch!
Simple Farm Life at it's best!
If you have ever grown sweet potatoes you need to know to look for the places where there is a little mound or where the straw is raised up like a little hill. Then you start digging. There were squeals ever time they found another little hill and under they would discover another beauty!
We were eating watermelon this morning.................... Lot's of God Chatter was going on. They both have decided that they want to live on a farm. I told them I would give them an acre of that be fun to have all my grandbabies live our farm............teehee a seed it!!! The girls want to have a watermelon patch.............they picked one from the watermelon patch................we they look at all the seeds in their watermelon halves................"we could have a huge watermelon patch they chimmed"...........dreamers like their Grammie................I love life on the farm. The Lord is so good to me...........I am so thankful for His mercy!
When I came back into the house Muffin came scooting through the back porch door. She went straight for my pantry shelf on the back porch right to the little cubby hole on the bottom shelf. I knew something was up! Just last night I told the little girls that I thought she would soon be having babies.................she did............for Savannah's birthday..............Lord you are so into DETAILS!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! Look at this little ones precious.............Thank you Lord for life!
Here is a video.
Now just when you think that farm life can't get much more.............exciting........................WRONG!!!!!!
The little girls came running in the house............all excited. They said that they just saw two little baby the BIG CHICKEN PEN. Yikes!!!!!! Daddy roosters are in the chicken pen................!!!!!!!! I ran out of the house so fast.............yes 58 I can still run..........really fast in cases of emergency.................... still in my sure enough there was the Momma Chicken and two babies. One black and one yellow. I was scared to pick her up................but I did anyway.................right then the little ones went on the other side of the chicken wire................OH MAN..............I kept putting her close to them .............. she called them............the little girls got one each...............I had a chicken cage already set up...........because remember I let the other teenage chickens out of the pen the other day?
You can't see the golden is hiding...........but here is the black one..........allllll snugged with it's Momma. The girls have named the black one Princess and Goldie for the yellow one. Nice names I would say.................LIFE.......................MOMMA has a new name..........Miss Miracle!...............I like.................memories etched in their minds and hearts...........that our Creator is the best giver of gifts.
I know He is good! He gave us all you special Blogger friends!
I am learning appreciation. I thought I had it............guess not................have missed you all so MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
Hugs from the farm..........I love you all bunches!