Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Family Life!

Hello sweet ladies.........oh my oh my oh my.......life can become a blur... know I am not the only one.......and it can change in a moment.....thankfully I trust the Lord with my day!!!! The coffeehouse is doing well......the kids are back for school so that is keeping us busy!! 

Tressa is married.....to a very sweet young man!! Life has changed for all.......the wedding was beautiful! We made a lot of the decorations.....

Tress did her own bouquet and her attendants....we saved peonies from Grandma Jo's flowers that she had planted 40 years ago on our farm.....we kept them in the refrigerator until her wedding. It was special for Tressa to use them in her wedding. Friends helped with the preparation of the food and lots helped with setting up.......we decorated and built 18 farm tables.....they turned out so pretty! 

After 45 years of having children in our home....and then one day you come home to empty was an adjustment?! I am learning the new new!! 

Our youngest daughter and her sweet man just had are new grand baby girl!!! Number 12 for us now...... thankful to the Lord for His Gifts!!! Our family loves babies.......going to be fun during the holidays!!! I wish they didn't live so far. 

For those of you who would like to hear.......Auntie is doing well......we made a quilt together last CHRISTmas.....she was angry about life and she had always been a quilter......I had been praying about something for her to do with me......saw the pieces of a quilt I had started.....it was just perfect for us to finish up!!!!

It was the very thing that gave her purpose.......we kept loving her... giving her lots of hugs.....it has been a challenge and very hard......but well worth it. Now she is adorable.......she is so kind to  us!! We share Jesus.....but she is not interested.....won't quit planting little seeds and love her for Him. Please pray with us....she will be 90 October 27th......we will celebrate her birthday.....she says she doesn't like to celebrate......but she really does!!!

We have been slowly working on the farm when time allows. Have some new chickens on the farm. Barred Rock, Buff Orpington, Maran and some Wyandotte's. Think Mr. Roos comb is so beautiful!!! I am enjoying gathering the eggs.....a friend brought me two dozen of her beautiful eggs......

I just had to fill a gallon jar with hers and some of mine......a favorite  picture!!!!

If you want to keep up with Prairie Flower Farm facebook you can go here and would love to have you sign up and follow. I have missed blogging and missed each of you....but keeping the coffeehouse going is a full time job.........now with an empty nest I am hoping to have some more time to keep up PFFarm!! 

Would love to hear from you and what is going on in your life.....it has been some time I know......but I haven't forgotten you!! 

Hugs to your day........God bless each of you!!



  1. Linda, what a blessing to read this today! I was so happy to glance over at my sidebar blog roll and see that you had posted!

    Congratulations on your new granddaughter ... and blessings to the newlywed couple too. The glimpses you shared of the wedding were so pretty!

    The empty nest is different for sure ... but there are blessings to be found there as well.

    Have a wonderful day!
    God bless,
    Mrs. T

  2. so so so so thankful to read a new post by you, sweet friend. ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. What a nice surprise to see this post. Oh my, what a change in your family. A new baby and a wedding. CONGRATULATIONS to everyone. The decorations look beautiful. You all are so gifted. Thanks for sharing!

    Charlotte Moore

  4. It was so nice to get an update about your family. I'm not on facebook myself, but every once in a long while I think to look you up on facebook. Congratulations to all. New births, weddings, ... it all sounds great. Keep blessing those around you, and continue to let God use you wherever you are in life.

  5. It was wonderful getting a new post. Congratulations on your daughter's marriage and the new grand. Babies give us a reason to find more joy in our lives

  6. OH Linda, I LOVE seeing you here! I Just mentioned to you at FB that your PFF button was disabled but I realize now it is because of Photo Bucket. Goodness, everyone changes too much with their sites and all the technology. My new blog will not keep comments they appear and magically disappear never to return! So I am having a tea tyme giveaway and hope you will stop by and read the tea giveaway post. I am not good at linking the post so right now I only have one post that is new and then the tea post. Your phamily has grown too so much. The wedding was so lovely and the new baby girl, sigh, sweetness! We found out today my niece Katie is expecting another girl! SHe has three brothers and all the Uncles are tickled pink! Hee Hee Hee! Her son Zander, 100 percent pure boy recently pulled an entire chest of drawers on himself. He had a concussion and we are grateful momma is a nurse so he was taken care of so beautifully. My sis is the "Nan" to the lil ones and she said a girl will be more calm. I don't know, Noelle, my oldest girl did the same thing as Zander except it was a bachelor chest and the three shelves on top of the dresser were not anchored, this was the 1970's and she fell one way and the shelve another. Only a few figurines were damaged in that mishap! I hope you will blog when you can, it is so much fun here. I have missed it a lot so I am trying to be here more often. I Keep telling the kids we have to find a place to host our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner because my little house won't hold all of us and one more on the way come March 2018! Rebekah will be married in a sweet little Irish church not too far away and I might have to ask the lady who handles their calendar about it.I hope to see you here soon. LOVE and HUGS

  7. Linda -- what a month packed with blessings for your family!! Tressa was a beautiful bride and how special that she used her Grandma's flowers! And speaking of special -- that baby grandie is pretty special!! Congratulations to all!! Enjoy my friend.

  8. Linda, I failed to mention in my first comment, that I will pray for your auntie. I am so happy you told us about her here. I think it is so sweet that she quilts with you. I wish I had learned when my auntie Ang was still alive. I believe somewhere in her house my sister has hundreds of squares auntie had in her fabric stash. But she won't answer my questions when I have asked about them. SO many people would love to have those. My late MIL was a quilter too. Suzanne and Sue in Texas made me that beautiful tea tyme quilt. It is on our bed right now. I wish I had preserved all the quilts my kids had as babies. My hubby's uncle Bud's wife Kathy wasn't a quilter but her mom was. Oh how I wish my kids had their quilts. But they were worn to shreds from constant use through the years. I am going to try to find someone to put a quilt together for our new grand boy Brody who will join our phamily in March 2017. I am excited for him to arrive. I hope you will be back blogging more stories of farm life and fun. HUGS and BLESSINGS

  9. غرف تجميد للمواد الغذائية مزودة بمواد عزل حراري فعالة تضمن عدم تسرب الحرارة الخارجية إلى الداخل، مما يحافظ على درجات الحرارة الداخلية ويقلل من استهلاك الطاقة. الجدران العازلة غالبًا ما تكون مصنوعة من مواد مثل الألواح العازلة من البولي يوريثان أو الصوف الزجاجي، مما يساعد في الحفاظ على استقرار درجة الحرارة.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!