Today is my first day of blogging. I am really excited, because I have wanted to blog for some time. Before I even start, I want the blessing of the Lord to cover my ramblings. I hope you will find some fun things to make and enjoy some of our recipes from our little kitchen on our farm. Email me anytime that you might need encouragement.
Heavenly Father, as I come into your presence I first want you to know that I want to serve you all the days of my life. I know that without you life for me would just not matter. You have been my rock when I just didn’t think I could handle life. You have been a light unto my path, when I needed direction for the next step. You have been my JOY when I was able to see your finger prints all over the circumstances that needed healing. You have been my deliverer when I couldn’t see an escape. You have touched my life, my family and Father for that I call you Faithful. Thank you for holding me in the palm of your clenched fist hand and for not ever letting me go. You are truly my God and I choose to serve you with your help living out my days. Some say you are a crutch, I choose to believe that you are my Savior. I ask that in my writings that others will see your presence in the words and will hold on to you, May they be encouraged and if they have not accepted your gift, I trust today will be the day. I am a grateful woman that has been seasoned by life. Thank you for never leaving me. In Jesus name Amen.