Saturday, November 29, 2014


Good morning sweet ladies,

Life is just way to fast for my comfort! I knew that the coffeehouse was going to be different.......but honestly I didn't think it would take up so much of my life. I am not's just the way it is for us at this time,  I so miss my farm, but when I do get to be home I truly enjoy each and every moment of it. I appreciate every minute the Lord gives me to see the wheat fields growing.........watching my ducks waddle about the farm, hearing Mr. Rooster"S"......yup I have a few that serenade me around 6 in the up my coops and laying fresh straw......talking to my "Girly Hen's my little farm house......washing and hanging fresh clean sheets on the line......walking out and sitting on the Sanctuary and just sitting and letting the  SON woo my heart to seems to be quite busy for me now.....but Jesus has me right where He wants me.  It takes a lot of time and energy to start up a business and it consumes your time.....but I also have blessings that my Jesus gives me during the day at the coffeehouse.......such as......a young man (Ant) who got busted for drugs.......and because of our Saul (one of our college boys who has been in our life the last 4 years) had shared the gospel with this young man a month before he got arrested. Ant called Saul from jail.......because he knew he could trust Saul........Ant got jail! After he got out Saul brought him down to the coffeehouse so we could love on him. Ant was free!!!!!! Not from the acts and consequences of his sin......but eternal life was his! We watched the Lord do some amazing things! We ended up going to the courthouse with and God met us all there! He still has to wait to go back to the Judge, but we do know that God will be with Ant and Ant says know matter what he is served......he will tell everyone about Jesus!!!!!!!  There are lots more stories that walk through the front door of the Coffeehouse.....and I tuck each one in my heart and pray that my Heavenly Father will continue to equip our family to help with all the needs. Just want to thank you for your prayers. Can't wait for the day that life slows down a bit!!!!!! 

Mr. Roo!

Love my little chick that is growing up. She or follows and peeps around my is my little gift!

This is what I see at the coffeehouse out the back door. Nothing like what I see at home on the farm.......but still beautiful! 

Can you believe it is going to be CHRISTmas? We are working in the Coffeehouse to make it all pretty. I will be showing you all pictures.

Love you all......hugs to your day and God bless each and every one of you.......when I say I miss you all I so mean it. It's sad for me to not get to blog.

Please let me know how you all are,


Friday, November 7, 2014

How are you????????

Hello sweet ladies........

My sweet her face..hope she is pregnant!! Hope they all are for that matter! Come early Spring we will know! 

I so miss my time posting and saying hello to you all.......please comment and tell me how you are. We have been putting in 92 hours a week since we opened up a month and almost 3 weeks ago! Talking about a change in life style. So much to learn, but we are now getting things together a bit. With the time change I am at least getting to see the sun rise. It is dark when we come home so that has been a bit difficult with chores. We have made some changes on our hours at the coffeehouse and that will give us more time to be home on our farm!!!!!! Ask if I am excited??? 

Tressa and I are having fun with the plant greenhouse truck comes right to our front door. We tend to like the unique different kinds of plants........this one just jumped out at me. It is called a stage horn fern. Doesn't it look like antlers?  Just had to show you! Have you ever seen one like this?

The time at the coffeehouse has been busy. Getting to walk with those who are suffering or just need a friend has been precious.  I am seeing how God has a plan and by us having the market we are part of it! College kids are coming, so that has been sweet!!!!! Three girls come weekly and read the Word......OUT LOUD sitting in the what I call living room area! I am sure it is music to the Father's ears.....I am blessed and so is my family to watch growth happen! We keep encouraging the girls on what a blessing they are to us! Such a simple thing.....but so powerful to the heart!

We start to decorate for CHRISTmas in a few weeks at the coffeehouse and home. It is my favorite time of the year...... so I can hardly wait! 

We are sooooo thanking the Lord for the wheat crop that is growing on our fields! It will go into the winter stronger because of the stand we have now. The weather has been pleasant and we did get a bit of rain on it last week! That makes a farmer happy!!!!!! 

Hope all is well with you......please write and let me know. I do enjoy the times I get emails and comments. I will try to comment back.

Blessing and praying the Lord will take care of your needs and mega hugs,
