Hi.......sweet ladies,
Short post.......storms were coming our way tonight so we were working hard around the farm. I had to change some of the chicken pens and it took more time then I thought it would. Fun evening though.
If you click the pic you can see the pecks in the eggs.
Look what I found tonight when I went down to the milk barn to let the girlies out. Momma Blue and Momma Red flew out the door to go do some scratchin'." They are so funny because they will only stay outside for just a little bit. The nest was exposed and I was thankful I had my camera......with. I knew the babies were going to be hatching soon.......well tonight will be the night or at least some will by morning. I put the eggs up to my ears........sweet sound! Little crunching noises.
The eggs have two Momma's sitting on the same nests. Momma Blue and Momma Red are inseparable!!!!!!!! I have tried to separate them and they just need each other I guess.
Also Miss Milly was broody again!!!!!!!!!! She was full and ready for eggs.........I didn't disappoint her.......I gave her 10 Araucana eggs! She is sooooo sooooo puffy!
It sounds so wonderful and my garden is going to drink it up!
I better go, before I lose power.
Hugs to you and God bless your Tuesday!!!!!!!!