Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Winners For the Chicken Curtain Are...........

Thank you sooooooo much, for making my days so special ladies!!!!!

I just want to thank every lady that came to my blog. I so enjoy when those of you leave a comment, just so I can come and see you at your blog. Also a even bigger thanks for those who always come to do the "giveaway thing"! I love doing it. You are so fun and each one had such sweet ideas on how you would use the curtain. Thank you for blessing my life. Every time one of you left a post, it made me stop and enjoy your world. Your blogs are beautiful and make my day so special. So many interesting ladies out there!!!!
Okay ............ for the "curtain giveaway"!
As my daughter drew each name they were.........

#1 Granny from Granny's Garden
#2 Carrie of Farming on Faith
#3 Missy Melissy from Lilac Lane

Thank you so much ladies for taking the time and signing up for this contest!I will try to get ahold of each of you because I will need your addresses, so I can send you your curtains!!!!!! If I don't please get a hold of me . My email is up at the top right of my blog

As you know I love to pick a few more names. It just gets too fun on who I would draw next! So here are 3 more that didn't know they were going to get a little something. It won't be big, but it will be fun........ and the winners are......

#4 Amy from Keepin' the Sunny Side
5 Jenny The Icing on the Cupcake
#6 Sharon from A Merry Heart Journal

Same for you ladies I will try to get you, but if I can't please contact me. Thank you!!!!!

We mixed and mixed the jar with all of you and so glad that you all got a blessing. Again I wish I could give something to you all !!!!!!!!
I so enjoy each of your blogs.......... keep on encouraging the blogging world!



  1. Thank you so much Linda for including me as a winner! I'm so excited!

  2. Congratulations winners :) And a big thank you Linda for your generous heart!


  3. Oh I am doing the happy dance in Missouri today! I am so excited to win this!!!
    Thank you dear sweet Linda!!

  4. Oh my !! I won...thankyou very much Linda.The happy dance is also being done in Australia this morning ! lol.
    I will send an email today.
    Kind regards,*happy* Granny :0)

  5. Hi there, so glad you linked up for the blog party. What a lovely blog you have, can't wait to come back and see more.

    Have a lovely weekend


  6. Ooooo! I have been so busy lately that I missed this one! I'll be checking in here more often!

    Congrats to the winners!

  7. Congratulation to all the blessed winners!! What sweet things you gave away!

    Your blog background is so pretty.

    Bee Blessed,

  8. Congrats to all you very lucky ladies!!!!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!