Hello sweet ladies,
Another CHRISTmas is behind us...........and now we have more memories to tuck in our hearts.......but for some of us our dreams and wishes didn't come true........or maybe we had loved ones that used to sit at our CHRISTmas table and they have gone on to be with the Lord.......or as I know some of you your family member couldn't leave the nursing home to come be with.
As some of you know my Dad died this last year. We really thought he was going to pull through. The day he died the girls went to the hospital, but I stayed home, because I was not feeling well. They left the hospital and a few hours later he died. The nurse called me and said she would not leave him alone until I got there even though there was not enough time for me to get there to be by his side. Sad day.........as it has been for many of you. I know..............you have written........and I want you to know that you were thought of............throughout my day yesterday .............a whole lot. I am sorry for your loss........but I am sure you have some very special memories that you can remember.
One precious memory I have (and that is what I have to think on.........all those precious memories)........is when my "Poppa" as everyone called him gave me this little Santa. Now I am not a Santa person at CHRISTmas. It is all about Jesus...... about how He came as a little baby............to saved us.............but my Dad gave me this little jewel box figurine of a Santa.........this little guy has pushed himself into my heart............ and I will love this little Santa........ forever! Poppa doesn't realize the memory he gave me last CHRISTmas..........or maybe he did and that is why he gave him to me. So...........for those of you sweet ladies who's CHRISTmas were not as easy as some..........I want you to know that the Lord is close by to the brokenhearted...........His Word says so! And ladies........we can hold on to that........even when we don't feel it!
Psalm 34 17-18
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
If you have a memory and want to share.....please leave it in the comments. It might brighten someone else's day!
Just want you to know you are loved!
from my farm to your HOME
P.S. Oh have to tell you. Faithfulness Farm
is having a fun giveaway over at her blog.......it is a must go! It ends tomorrow.......so hurry and get over to sign up!
Tell her I sent you and that I think she is special! That will make her smile!
One more thing......."Grammie and Poppa Snowman Camp" starts on Monday night........all thru Tuesday evening. Some of you ladies got in on the fun and sent me snowman stuff.......you didn't have to do that.......but oh am I having fun since you did. Thank you sooooo much! I will let you peek in on the party!10 grandbabies.........from one wall to the other.......I can't wait.......nor can they. It is one of their favorite camps!
Oh my dear Linda..I am so sorry about your Dad, it is always such a sad time knowing they are not with us. My parents are both gone but like you I 'think' about the sweet memories they have given me and dwell on them.
ReplyDeleteThis is so ironic, as I posted a Christmas memory this morning on my blog..want to ~smile~ come on over and visit me for a short while.. http://gertom86.blogspot.com
xoxo Gert
Hi Linda! My FIL passed away this summer. I knew that Christmas would be hard on my MIL, Martha so I decided she needed to come and spend the night with us Christmas Eve. She was so surprised to be given new pajamas that night which is one of our traditions and I wish you could have seen the look on her face when she found a stocking a had made for her hanging on the fireplace - filled with gifts. I do believe that this will go down as one of the most memorable Christmases for me and I pray it was for her as well. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteHi Linda! I wanted to tell you about my last Christmas with my dad. He had Alzheimers,(STUPID Alzheimers!)and we brought him to Mom's apt. from the nursing home for the party. I was sitting and holding his hand,(he didn't know who I was) and it felt so good just to be with him as we live 8 hours away. At one point he looked at me and said "You sure look happy!" I loved that, and I miss him!
ReplyDeleteBless you for reminding me of that Christmas 7 years ago!
My Sweets lost his mom this summer. It was sad but she is always in his heart. She cooked up a storm at Christmas time. I always miss mt folks at Christmas time. They loved it so much I think that is why I enjoy celebrating Christ's birth so much. I wish you and yours much love! Anne
ReplyDeleteLinda I am so sorry the loss of your dad. Five years ago I lost my cousin on Christmas and it was so tough for me while he left two lovely daughters and a wonderful wife as we travel to go to his military funeral which he was to deploy two weeks later. I took and sat on my way and wrote my aunt his grandma a poem about our memories with him and went and sang I can only Imagine ...while there the love of CHrist was so awesome. Ever since then I hang this special snowflake on my tree in memory of him!!!
ReplyDeleteLinda, I lost my dad eight years ago. It does get easier, but once in a while something will bring back the pain. Just think - one day you will see your dad again!
ReplyDeleteI hope your Christmas was merry.