Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Hello sweet ladies,

The ducks have been running around the farm lately. There is a little place that they have been escaping under the fence. I am just letting them roam a bit. Hoping by spring the Momma's will be making some nests. If they do I will build some make shift fences around each of them. I would be afraid of our farm cats eating them or stray dog! 

One time we had a Momma Hen that was laying eggs in a nest outside the window of our Milk House......then a Momma duck started laying eggs in the same nest. They both would take turns sitting on the nest each day, until I had to chose one to have the nest to herself. Since there were more duck eggs I let the Momma duck have it. It was a precious thing to watch her as a baby chick would hatch. I ended up having to take the chicks because they were always on the outside of the nest after hatching. Love this pic......this is what makes Prairie Flower Farm so special to me. All the sweet babies that live her during the different times of the year!

Well it is time for me to turn the eggs again.......the ones I have in the incubator......my favorite times of the day. It makes me feel like a good Momma! 

Hugs to your day......and know that you are in my prayers!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh I love watching the ducks in a park or seeing the geese walking down the road by my office building. They are such a blessing. Love all the fluffy chicks you share. Hugs to you my friend!


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