Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Weeks Worth of Busy!

Hello sweet ladies........

Went to check on the girls this SONday morning. Especially checking Olivia........and......
I have some are going to like..........

Olivia is going to have a baby or if she does like she always does.....she will have twins. I can't wait!!!!!! Her udder is getting so full so that means anytime. I can't wait and I will be running from the farm house to the sheep pen.......a lot during the day! Life is so fun on a farm in the spring time! 

it is cloudy outside and they say 50% chance of rain but no wind and it is beautiful. We have had sprinkles.....but nothing to talk about. I have wanted to wait for some rain to plant some of cool I have been busy in the house getting things ready all last week. I saved my strawberry corn. 

I took the end of a sharp knife and gently pried away the dried kernels. Sweet little seeds that will grow 5 to 6 feet tall. Isn't that so amazing? Love it.....God working all things together!!!!!! I hope to get a good crop and sell them at the coffee house. They make wonderful arrangements. I planted about 8 last year and they did okay. I hope to do better this year! 

This last week I couldn't stand it any longer. Every time I have gone into the farm stores I have not found the chicks I I would come home empty handed. Soooooo I started up the incubator! I have 35 chicken eggs and 3 duck eggs. I have been candling them all week and it blesses this Momma's heart every time I see the little veins start forming!!!!!! 

The daffodils are starting to bud! What was your first flower that you saw blooming???? I am hearing that there is still snow in the northern parts of the states........sorry!!!!! Yesterday I pinned this adorable picture for all those who have snow......hope it gives a smile!

Pinned this HERE isn't this adorable????????

I am thankful we don't have snow......but that doesn't mean it still can't happen! I am still working out in the garden!!!!!!

We worked all last week and got all the ground we used last year roto-tilled. Then we opened up some new ground. I am putting a border of raspberries and rhubarb (I spit my old patch up, it is time, it's 3 years old).  I want to separate the different parts of the garden this year. It looks pretty in my mind.....we will see how it turns out.

Well that tells a little about my week......busy, but a fun busy! Today after church I will be out in the is my rest and quiet time! Trust you are all doing well. Praying for your SONday!

Please continue to pray for our country and the world. V was out at the farm this last week and walked in the door. He said, "Grammy......where is the hammer? It got it for him and up on the roof of one of the sheds that needed repair he went. He is like a monkey!!! I have never seen a child so strong! V loves to work with his hands and their is plenty for him to find here at Prairie Flower Farm. I thank God that he was rescued from what could have been a very sad life in Ukraine. But my heart aches for all the other children that are left there. With all that is going on in Ukraine and the invasion of Russia.... now there are orphans who could not come back who were already in the process of being adopted. Their future is bleak. Please pray for the Mommas and Daddies from here in the states that could not continue with the adoptions. Pain for them and the children left there. We are in evil times and we need to pray that God would continue to work His plans out and protect the people of Ukraine! Thank you! 

Hugs from my farm,



  1. Hi Linda
    Cute little snowman, love the sheep cant wait for you to post pictures on here of the babies. :) and duck babies too. God bless V for coming to help out and praying for so many orphans to find their forever families. I'm glad Spring time flowers are popping out everywhere.
    Have a fun Sunday and hope your sheep babies come while your home.

    God bless your day


  2. I always enjoy reading your post.

    GOD BLESS!!!

  3. Can't wait for Olivia's little lamb(s) to arrive! What a fun time for you! God Bless!

  4. So looking forward to seeing your new babies! Glad you're able to work in your garden! I know this must be sweet day for you!
    My prayers are with those poor orphans in the Ukraine and those families who weren't able to adopt them. Such terrible days... Bless your V!



    ERIKA .....APRIL 8TH

  6. Birthdays and babies, I'd say your life is quite sweet!


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God Bless your day!