Saturday, July 23, 2011

His Provisions

The most precious ladies in the World,

When life hits you hard and you can't hardly imagine you can make it another day, because your grief and sorrow hurts so and then..........God sends someone, or shows you something..........or speaks to you through His Word.......that was our last 4 days. God was our provider. Just when we were in need, He would show Himself faithful. I have never experienced anything so precious as this these last days. Provisions............His Provisions. Taking the trip to Colorado was a faith trip. Hannah said our needs would be met for gas and lodging. Not only that was met, but also our food. We had a fridge full of veggies, fruit, sandwich meat, bread, cookies and the list goes on. 

We had food for our trip home. I have to tell this little story of my precious sweet man. We stopped at Mac's to get some ice and water. I checked my emails.......couldn't help it. Thank you for those who left comments. Helped me a lot, like getting a note from family!!!!!!! Anyway there was a man who was sitting in front and he had the look, like he might be hungry. My honey went over and asked him if he would like some food. He said yes so we fixed up a tray for him. We had picked up a free Bible at Hannah and Mark's church. Thought we should be ready, if the Lord had someone. Phil asked if he would like a Bible, he already had one and  already knew Jesus as Savior, a brother who was hungry.....God uses people to touch lives...........we will share eternity with this man!!!!!!! He said he would be praying for us. Precious! 

There was family healing that was going over the 4 days. Little Ellianna's life was counting, but that is the way the Lord is. He never wastes our lives, if we let Him. Everywhere you would look you would see something sweet going on. We all noticed and thanked Our Father, He is so worth trusting ladies. 

Before we left Hannah and Marks, she asked if I would like to see Ellianna's room........I did. When I walked in this saying was on her wall. It was put there before she was born when they found out that she was going to be a girl. Isn't this saying adorable? I loved it. Off in the corner was her rocking chair she has used for all her four babies. She said when all were gone she would spend some time heart cried. Empty arms..........but she would find rest and strength in her God. Please continue to pray ladies. These will be difficult days for them. They will get on the other side. They will be changed people........not that they weren't caring before........but this will refine them........they will be more like Jesus to a hurting world. 

This story was given to me some years back. I think it is appropriate for this time. 

There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse three, which says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. " Malachi 3:3

This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study. That week, this woman called up a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work.

She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest, so as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot -- then she thought again about the verse that says, "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."Malachi 3:3

She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he also had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, how do you know when the silver is fully refined?

He smiled at her and answered, "Oh that's easy -- 
when I see my image in it."

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image -- in you.

Sweet ladies, I know some of you are in the fire, marriages hurting, prodigal children, losses in your life...........if you reach out to the Lord, He will be with you........His word is true. I am not saying the hurt will go away.......but He will use all and will not waste a thing in your life. You can trust Him. Please know I am praying..........for you!

This greets you when you arrive at Mark and Hannah's Home. Precious. Even though Ellianna is not here on earth.........she is not far......she is in Heaven........... they are still a family, she is just waiting for them on the other side...... to come. 

I think we all have been changed by this sweet little girls presence. I know I your comments I think you have also. Your prayers were read by Hannah and Mark. They said thank you!

I am back HOME........on our farm........changed, 



  1. Oh Hello SWEET friend....Your family has been in our thoughts and Prayers....We had a few things come up and I was unable to call...But truly you LIVED within our hearts these past couple of days....It was such a blessing to be able to sit down and read the accounts of the Lord in yours and Hannah and Marks family lives...
    Be Blessed and may the Spirit continue to flow freely and abundantly through you....
    In Christ

  2. Hi Linda! I am always so grateful to come by nd read your post. I have this story you share here today. What a beautiful story indeed. I am glad you are home safely. I am sorry for the sadness but know that Ellianna is safe in our Saviors arms. Amen Anne

  3. such bittersweet emotion to Ellianna's passing. so thankful you and yours were able to be there, to comfort, be comforted, be blessed by God's provision. (((hug)))

    thank you for the Malachi illustration.
    so timely. thank you so much.

  4. I have been praying for Ellianna's family during this time of heartache. What a great illustration and the silversmith story is! Thank you Linda. ♥

  5. What a beautiful gift of writing God has given you. It is a soothing balm today in my life. Thank you for being faithful to share. This sweet family has been in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Hello sweet ladies,

    How precious of you to come and leave sweetness.

    Hello Miss Ruby to call you that!!!!!!!! Thank you for praying. We know ladies are and we are so grateful. When we drove out and the car stopped........under the burning sun, we all looked at each other. Oh my........God got us back on the road......course he used Honey Man and some black tape.......thankful that people were praying. Will talk soon? Hugs!

    Sweet Anne, 70 miles? North South or West? Oh my I wish I could have met you in real live! It would have been a blessing. Thank you for your comment!!!

    Hi Miss jAne, so glad you were blessed. God is so timely! I am listening to your song list. It is blessing this broken heart! Thank you for having it. It is amazing how music can speak to the soul. You are so welcome my sweet friend.

    Hell Cranberry that name! You are so precious to be praying. Hannah said that the prayers have been felt! Praise the Lord for all the prayer Warriors!!!!!! You being one! Love it the Lord's faithfulness.

    Precious Our Crazy Farm.........such a fun name! Thank you........and I feel the same of your writing sweet lady. I keep reading your story........touched by God's Grace. I am only feeling a bit from an outsider of your suffering. I wish you could be close to my Hannah. I just texted her.........told her I loved her. If you have any ideas of ways I can minister email me please at you have ways I can minister to you.........please I would be honored to do that also. I would love your addy if you wouldn't mind. I love you and don't even know you well........guess that is a Jesus thing. Love the story of your precious son Trent, so sorry for your loss.........he is probably playing with our Ellianna! Jesus would be just like that, to let him know she was in heaven.........don't you think? Thank you for coming by and leaving a comment. It blesses me more than you that is DO know!

    I am listening to jAne's music list as I am writing is really funny, a piano was playing......have you ever felt like when you are listening to other's music, that you are a piano player? Bahahaha (again my new word). Honestly it gave me the giggles.......hope it gave you one also........and who said I was normal? NOT ME!


  7. Linda,

    So glad you all made it back home safely.
    Love the refined silver story and your pics :)

    Hope you have a restful day.

    Love you,


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello my friend....

    I am glad to know you are back home, having had a safe trip. (And God kept that transmission humming along. HE is so good!)

    I love the saying from Ellianna's room. It is so precious, along with the family welcome greeting. It is easy to see, Hannah is an awesome mother and a wonderful homemaker. "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." (Proverbs 31:27)

    I believe Ellianna touched more hearts in short time, then many touch in a lifetime.

    Now that your home, get everything watered and all the animals some quality attention. Oh, liked the story about the man at Mac's and Mr. Phil....reminded me of someone else.;)

    Try to get a little rest, before the next adventure begins.

    Love you,

  10. Oh sweet Linda...your family has been in my prayers, as well as Hannah and Mark. My heart hurts for them, but there is comfort in knowing their sweet baby girl is with the Father...
    I will admit being 17 weeks pregnant I could not bring myself to read all your posts recently. (i just schemed through them) for my tears would just roll down my face...I did make through this one, and thank you for sharing.
    Hugs dear friend and many blessings!
    KA (thrifty momma) ;)

  11. I am glad to hear you are home safe; and that, while sad, it was a precious time for you.

    Thanks you for the story of the silversmith. I am hurting today; and it always helps to be reminded that He holds all my tears and loves me no matter what. Thanks for your prayers.

  12. Your posts are such a blessing. Thank you for the silversmith lesson. I am going to share that with the other grandmother to our 3 grandchildren. She lost her husband suddenly without warning just five days after her father passed away last month. She is hurting so much now. You are a blessing!

  13. Oh Linda, what a wonderful moving post. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time and will continue to pray for everyone... God is so amazing in how he moves in our lives and all those who are touched by him.

    Glad you are home safe and sound!

    xoxo Gert

  14. So thankful God provided for you all. And love the story of the refiner of silver. So beautiful. I will continue to pray for Ellianna's family and for you all.

  15. Linda, I am always encouraged in some way when I read your blog. May Jesus richly bless you for your life committed to loving and serving Him in whatever way He leads. You are so precious in His sight.

  16. Linda you touch so many hearts with your thoughts here. I am loving you more and more each day. You are such a sister in Christ. I am so happy He put us on this path together. Love Anne


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!