Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good Morning from the FARM!

Good MORNING Sweet Ladies!!!!!!

I have been burdened through out this morning......all the hurting, cold, "needing help families" our land and I can't help physically and that bothers me. Oh I can send money......but I want to be there.... encouraging the Momma's... helping them with their children.....praying with for them.......holding an elderly person's hand.....bring them my is hard for me....that I can't be there. I can bend my knee in my Home......petitioning the Lord on their behalf...doesn't seem like enough......but I "know" it is.......He says to come and He hears me......precious thought!  Keep praying for believers and the Bible believing churches.........that He has there in the midst. Ask that they would be strengthened with His power and that He would use them mightily to bring many to a saving knowledge in Christ!!!!! 

I am so excited to be home this morning! Life last week was definitely a roller coaster and it is wonderful to be enjoying the peace in our home this morning! I have been up since 5 this morning. I can't believe I am not wanting to sleep would be good for me, but I have so much to get done today.......two days it!  I already know that tomorrow will be church and a time of celebrating our oldest daughter.......Tressa's birthday. We were not able to celebrate with family and friends until now. She wants us to go skating......reminds me of my skating days in Alaska......on a huge lake......with a huge bonfire in the middle......special memories. Anyway Tressa mainly has the skating party to bless all her nieces and nephews. She started it about 4 or 5 years ago and it wouldn't be her birthday if she didn't have a skating party! So tomorrow is filled......with lotsa noise and fun! But I am thankful as I sit here in the quiet.....everyone is still sleeping.....well....except.......V isn't......he said whispering....."Grammie......hi". I said......."go back to is to early for you to be awake"......really I just want some quiet time a little bit that not nice? Wink! He is snoring.....he is a good boy......he obeyed his Grammie. I had a few more hours of peace! Hahaha....that won't last long.....that's okay.....I love kid noise.

This evening we will be hosting another bonfire for the college kids. Remember when the boys came out and cleaned out our tree row? They are now cashing in on some fun. Not sure how many will be thing I know they are soooo excited. Had a few of the kids come out last night to help get the wood piled up for a big bonfire. They will descend on the farm at 8 this evening. Late night tonight! Please pray with us, that the Lord would use this night for His glory. 

I will be busy baking bread for Tressa's it when the kitchen smells of fresh bread! Sweet man likes it!

Hope you all have a sweet day.....would love to hear about it if you want to share.

Okay.......I am asking if you wouldn't mind......letting me know a little bit about you. What you like to do with your free you have don't have to tell me the town you live it.....but maybe the state. A memory....anything. 

Hugs and may the Lord bless your Day!


P.S. Welcome to the new have been noticed.....
by me!!!!!! I am so glad you are here.....please leave a comment!


  1. One of the reasons I follow your site is because it reminds me of my days growing up on a farm in Indiana. I live in Sarasota, FL. I am a teacher, writer, grandmother. This has been a tough year as we have been helping my daughter as she goes through a separation and impending divorce. My husband babysits for our 2 yr. old grandson and takes his sister to school and picks her up. Rarely do we have a weekend without them. Saturday was to be a day just for my husband and I, but we were needed as my daughter had a funeral to attend for a step-father-in-law. We took the grandkids with us to our main street farmer's market, visited the annual chalk festival and then took them to lunch at our local IHOP. As we sat in the restaurant watching these two blessings were were suddenly struck by how well behaved they were in a restaurant. We realized that we had enjoyed ourselves even with the grandkids along. God has blessed us with nine grandkids and another due in a couple of weeks. We are lucky to be able to spend such wonderful time with two of them on a regular basis. God really is good. He can relax and refresh us in any circumstance if we only lean on him.

  2. Happy Birthday Tressa! Hope all has fun skating! Enjoy your bonfire tonight! Played with my grandson this morning, they grow up so fast, love em to pieces! His sister is sick, she couldn't come up, she's not a happy camper! She has a cough and is still on meds.
    Need prayers for a friend of my daughter-in-loves,her name is Beth, she has been diagnosed with Lymphoma, and it is wide spread, she starts chemo Monday. They let her go home for the week-end. She has a sweet husband and 3 yr old, and is only 27. They had just bought a new home and are going to be struggling with dr bills. All her friends have rallied to start fund raisers for her, they are all hurting. It is so young!
    Thank you prayer soldiers, she is going to need them! I pray that she would be healed through the precious blood of Jesus! There is power in the Blood!
    Love and hugs

  3. I like the picture of the praying woman, and the skating party sounds fun. I prayed as you suggested, when I read your post here. On my own post today I shared some good events I look forward to this November, including lunches with friends.

  4. I enjoy reading your encouraging words so much! I'm praying God will turn this tragedy around for His Glory!It is hard to think of our countrymen suffering and not be able to be there to help!But we know He is there.

  5. Your words and thoughts bless me and the many others that are in so much need. I, too, love my weekends away from school. Took my 88 year old mom her groceries and cut her hair and toe nails today. Doing her feet reminds of Jesus washing the disciples feet. Tomorrow we will be celebrating my sweet mom and dad inlaw's 65th anniversary. Wish my husband could be here, too, but he's busy singing with the angels.♥♫

  6. Evening Linda! Yes, we MUST keep the hurricane victims in our prayers! I'm sure many are suffering more than we can imagine. I too, feel like I need to do more than send money (of course, we know that will help). Our fellow Americans need comforting, hugs, and encouragement first hand! Thank GOD for those who are there and those who are on their way! Let's us keep on praying~~~~Roxie

  7. Hi Linda, You are just a blessing to all of us out here. I know you are not lookig for praise but every morning you bring us together and we pray ,,,,sometimes we pray while doing the dishes, sometimes while shaking the rugs, sometimes when the 40 year daughter stops after is good Linda. It is like daily meditation. And you always direct us to the right prayers...which I apreciate. I adore that you take things in your hands (although I know you are guided by God) to direct our prayers each day. Please contnue to be a good disciple and lead us. I love it.


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!