Genesis 3: 17-19. 17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,'
"Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.
19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return.
Oh my, that is a sad story? When you work on a farm you are fighting weeds all the time. Never.........ever can you get a way from them it seems, but one thing I know,working with weeds has taught me lots about sin. I don't want the weeds in my life. They are destructive, they choke out life and the pain that they cause is sometimes long lasting! As I have pulled huge weeds in my day, their roots can go out 2 and 3 feet from the stalk. Amazing!
Life with Jesus....... all the days of my life..... no more weeds........ that will be nice.
Until that day, I will keep pulling out those weeds that are in my life. I will continue to repent and be free.........
until the next time, there is another weed. I am so thankful the Lord is always there!
Taste and see that the Lord is Good...
I will take Refuge in HIM, it is good!
On a lite note............. look what we found.
If I could pick you flowers, I would pick you these! If you were close,
I would have them at your home today!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Oh, it looks like Bella is winning the name!
Welcome new followers!
I am going out to do chores and check
on the little ducks. So wish you could see them. They are so adorable!
Here I am again, one baby duck is gone. Humph! That makes me sad. The only thing it could be
is a snake. Stink! That is not nice, what ever it is that got it. We tore the little shelter apart
to see if it was under something. Nothing, poof, gone! Now this isn't starting my day off very
well. The flowers? They are for me also, we will share. Smile!
Don't forget to pray for Jeannie, she is going to the doctor today for her cancer check up!
We will be waiting to hear Jeannie!
Jeannie just commented, this what she said,
Praise God and thank you all for your prayers. There were no tumors in my bladder! I could definitely sense prayers being offered up for me this morning and I thought of y'all while I was in the dr's office. I give Him all the glory, I have been so blessed in this situation. I will pray the little duckling finds his way home. The fawn is beautiful. We have deer all over here, sometimes they stay and stare but usually they run off. They are such beautiful creatures. I would love to hold one like that. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and thoughts. Love, Jeannie
Thank you Father for your grace and mercy in this situation.
We rejoice with you Jeannie!
Just thought you would all like to know!
Blessings and hugs, from our farm to your home,
Just wanted to stop by and say Hello and Have a great day
ReplyDeleteHi Cindy, did you ever get an email from me? I sent you one. Just wondering. You have a nice day also. I love your heart and blog. You are so refreshing and real. I am sure you are helping more ladies with loss than you will ever know. Praying, Linda
ReplyDeleteHi, Linda. Just the uplifting I needed this morning. You help me than you will every know. Have a blessed day.
Old Machala Farm
Michle, I think that we all help each other. Helping each other carry each others burdens. It makes the walk lighter!!!!! It is just plain hard down here. One day! one day! we will all be taken home! What a special day that will be.Just came in from counting my baby ducks. One is gone. Hope a snake hasn't been in the nest. I can't imagine what else it would be. Nothing else could get in. Sad for me!!!!
ReplyDeleteCindy and Michle, hope you like your flowers! Me again
Great Scripture selection for today!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful Creator we have...the ducks...the fawn...the flowers...the PEOPLE!
Thanks for sharing.
Pretty flowers. And I will not be pulling weeds again without thinking of your post for today. Living in the country I, too, have a war with weeds. And the grasshoppers this year!! Oh, my!! Thanks for the gift of your pictures. ♥♫
ReplyDeleteHow about this BLAST from your past! I saw you name under a comment on someone's blog & when I saw "Mr. Phil", I KNEW who you were! I've been blogging for a little over a year. Come over and visit, but most of all, email me (gatesmc@juno.com) with updates on youir family, etc.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you remember me (Becky Zimmerman). I see you still live in one of my all-time favorite communities. Our three children (youngest born after we left Sterling) are married and have our eight grandchildren between them.
So nice I am getting some comments! They make my heart smile!
ReplyDeleteThank you Cranberry, for the encouragement! Yep, the Lord is so good! You are so welcome!
Marilyn, so glad you like the flowers! How fun, I will be thinking of you now when I pull my weeds, there will be two of us together! We will just get rid of ol' sin!
BECKY.....WOW, how fun is this. Of course I remember you. Man, you are so skinny! I have been blogging for a year also. I have been over to see you already and will come back. Which blog do you write on more? Isn't God so good. I will email you soon. If you read the blog you will see pic's of our family. I don't know if you knew we had two girls after the three boys. They are the loves of our life. They are sweeties. I can't ever imagine my nest being empty. We also have 9 grandkids.
I can't tell you how exciting this is for my day! Love you old friend, Linda
I will write.
Hugs ladies!
HI dear Linda,
ReplyDeleteI'll comment later. I have to go do something this morning...but thank you, thank you, thank you for the Scripture with the photo. I also loved the photo of the flowers ont he chair. May I borrow that and share it on my blog and on Facebook? I always make sure you get the credit for these!!!
Sorry about the missing duckling :( :( (: I'm praying for Jeannie!!! Let her know she is much loved and prayed for...even by strangers like me :) :) :) Thanks for the giving me the opportunity to pray for her!!
Love and hugs, Heather :)
Of course Heather, not a problem. I just want to bless people with the things He shows me. Thank you though for asking.
ReplyDeleteHave a sweet day! Me
What a lovely post! It is difficult sometimes to keep the weeds out of our gardens and, most importantly, out of our lives! Thank you for reminding us that with God's help we can overcome anything!
ReplyDeleteI am saying a special prayer for Jeannie and Michle and Jason. I am a cancer survivor myself and I know how difficult those treatments and post visits are. I was only given 3 years to live at the time (mind you, I had only just turned 19 years old) and here I am cured for over 20 years now! I am lifting them up in prayer for healing.
I am sorry about the duckling. Poor baby! I think the snake got some baby bunnies that their momma had made a nest for in our backyard. I know it is nature, but it is still heartbreaking.
Take care Linda!
Okay...I had more time to read :) :) :) The baby fawn is so beautiful. You are so blessed to live on a farm and see all that you see...and I'm still thinking about your post from the other day with all the old farm things :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteWhat you said about weeds was so true...it's a constant thing and they must be tended to, because if they grow too big, it can really mess things up. I'm so glad God is there to help me with my weeds :) :)
I'm sad about the baby duckling :( :( I'll pray that you don't lose anymore. Thanks for sharing those flowers with us :) :) :) They're absolutely beautiful.
Love and hugs from Oreogn, Heather :) :) :)
Hi Linda,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say THANKS! Your posts always give me a boost and I love knowing that you are praying.
Praise God and thank you all for your prayers. There were no tumors in my bladder! I could definitely sense prayers being offered up for me this morning and I thought of y'all while I was in the dr's office. I give Him all the glory, I have been so blessed in this situation. I will pray the little duckling finds his way home. The fawn is beautiful. We havae deer all over here, sometimes they stay and stare but usually they run off. They are such beautiful creatures. I would love to hold one like that. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and thoughts. Love, Jeannie
ReplyDeleteJohanna,You understand. I am so thankful you have been free from cancer! I am sure Jeannie is so thankful you are praying!
ReplyDeleteHeather, I am so blessed and I don't want to take it for granite! Ever! I am glad you like the flowers!!!!!!!
Regina, You are so welcome. I am so thankful that the blog is turning out that we are all praying for one another. Really wonderful!!!
Jeannie, that is so exciting. Praise the Lord!!! Keep us posted when things come up. Until then we will just be very thankful that he has answered both prayers for you!
Blessings, Linda
First my prayers are with Jeannie--hope to hear how she turned out. Love the fawn--of course:) And those flowers are amazing..thank you for sharing them with us!!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the little duck and pray you figure out what got it..so you don't lose anymore.
Bella it is!! That wasn't my choose but I love it anyway:) How is she doing?? Growing I'm sure!
Blessings to you and your family.......
xoxo Gert
Hello Sweet Linda,
ReplyDeleteI missed not being able to come over and chat more often... Mom and Dad are having there first "looker" tonight at the house~Please pray!!! It was good news, but it also made my heart sink. Sigh. And we have been busy cooking corn!!! Hope to post those pictures tonight~The Lord is good!
Your post is precious, Yes, those weeds can resurface even after you pull them if you don't go down to the root the first time around. Thank the Lord for second chances!! (and third, and fourth, etc...)
Thank you for being such a blessing!!
Love Carissa
PS I finally have blush on the tomatoes!!! Smile!
PS Sorry about all the mispelled words and typo's.
ReplyDeleteAwe, that fawn is SO SUPER CUTE!!