Sunday is Flag Day. Let's all get out our flags and wave them high.
I just love the red,white and blue!!!!!!! We need to be praying for our President and leaders in Washington. Pray that they would make wise decisions for our country. Please pray for them daily. I am sure they would appreciate it.
This will really grow and spread. Sometimes it comes up for me again the next spring. It doesn't smell real good, but I use it a lot in my flower bouquets.
I started my little cucumber seeds early this year and they already have little baby pickles on them. I am sooooooo excited to get my fridge full of dill pickles. I will give the recipe soon.

I put the nasturtiums by my cucumber plants. Getting seeds in by my squash and pumpkins. Trying it out this year. It is suppose to help with the bugs. If you do plant nasturtiums, nick the seed carefully. It helps it to germinate.
I have been waiting until last Feb. for this!!!!!!!!! Went out to my garden and found two Sweet Pea's had popped out just for meeeeee! I just love them. Kim, who entered our giveaway wrote the sweetest comment. I thought it would be helpful to those who are planting Sweet Peas. "I am enjoying your blog and am working on my garden too. My sweetpeas are blooming and we have blessed many friends with boquets. You know that to keep them blooming you must keep them cut so that they can not pod. Once they start to dry out and pod you will lose the whole bush. I will send you some seeds at the end of summer. A patient gave them to my Nana who is in her 80s MANY years ago. She worked for a doctor. They are an unusual color and I never see them in packets. They are the most fragrant I have smelled." Blessings! Kim I can't wait to see what her Sweet Peas are like. Thank you Kim for the wonderful garden hint. I did not know this! I will start to do this now.

Again thank you for stopping by. Please leave a comment about what is happening at your garden! I would love to have any helpful garden hints. I am always learning. I forgot, to tell you my tomatoes are doing great. That will be the next pictures..... I even have a little pumpkin. I love to decorate with pumpkins...... in the fall.
Everything looks so good. Don't sunburn working this week. love U