Hello sweet ladies......
trust your day will be blest this SONday I am remembering that His mercies are new every morning.....
I was meditating on this verse this morning. This pic was taken early just as the sun was coming up. Looks a lot like when the sun goes down in the evening. His paintings are so beautiful.....I find myself seeing more of His detail as I get older.......I stop more......see more......think more of His sweetness. I can also look back and see His faithfulness....... even when I didn't want to have anything to do with His plan for me. I am learning it isn't about me......it is all about JESUS!

This morning my sweet man brought in this wounded duck......you know the ones that I thought were chicken eggs.....the ones I bought at the Yoder Auction....and they ended up being duck eggs...not my plan? Well two of them keep flying out of the pen......sweet man puts them back in every evening. They must have flown out again last night. He was found with legs straight out and all dirty and feathers matted to his body with mud. Doesn't look like it in the picture, but he is a stinky muddy mess! It was very cold last night here on the farm and so that didn't help matters much. Now he is in the box and not to happy about it. His feet are messed up a bit now, so that makes it hard to care for him. I am trying to help him, but he doesn't understand that. Reminds me of when I am needing the Lord's attention.....and I don't let Him do what is best for me. God is using this wounded duck to help me understand a little deeper of His constant care for myself and my loved ones. I am sometimes a slow learner.......I don't want to be....but I find that I am.
The other day it was very cold. I was out in the cafeteria with my sweet man serving. I served this one student and then went on to another. There looking at me face to face was a someone with a black ski mask. My heart dropped. I was really taken off guard. With all that is going on in our country.....it just freaked me out! I know this is funny but I looked at both of his hands.......thought maybe.....you know what? I am giggling a little bit now, but not at that moment. I then in my brave voice said......."what are you doing?" He said......"I am safe.....I am safe"......I said then take that off please!" He knew I meant it. I was a little upset by this point.... that He wouldn't of thought...... maybe this wasn't a good idea!!!!!
He kept saying I am sorry!!!!! I am sorry!!!!! I asked him to please not do that again. I was kind of like a mother bear....protecting her cubs! Anyway the next day I was in the bakery......he came by and was standing out the door. I went up to him and talked a little bit more.....he was precious.....kept saying he didn't mean anything by it.....said he had a daughter and would never want anything like that to happen to her. I said, oh.....you are married?" He said no......but I will......the little girl is 2. I said more......I told him to give the momma honor if he loved her......he said he did.....I said......no you don't. I said I know that I sounded forward, but men are leaving women all the time to do their thing.......he listened......I wasn't sure how I was being received.....it was okay. I was again being a mom......he was black...I am white.....I loved him because Jesus loved him. I told him about my sweet man.....that I was also an unwed mother....alone....raising a little boy by myself. That our son was now 40 years old and said that God knew that we needed a man to protect us.....and he gave us my sweet man and his Dad and that the grill guy Phil adopted our son. Just like when Jesus adopts us. This young man stood there....and said that was nice. Later on that day he came up to both of us at the grill. Told my sweet man he had heard wonderful things about him that morning and he was a good man. I smiled. The next day he ran up with kids all around and said, "I just want you both to know...... I love you".....he was off. I was so griped with emotion and I had to leave.....the tears were falling!!!!! I was bold for Christ that morning......I am not always.....I was thankful I was that morning. I also had asked him if he knew Jesus.....he said, "yes mam I do".....I said, then please do what He has called you to do..be an honorable man! I told him that he was Christ's bride......he had to think on that.........so do I. Almost forgot to tell you......the reason he was wearing a mask......he was cold.....he is from southern Texas......it really was very cold out.......I understood better the why.
perfectadjective |ˈpərfikt|having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be
I heard this song this morning,
"Worship the Lord, feast at His table......taste of His Goodness.......I did that this morning......we had a sweet fellowship......now
that I would just trust Him more......my choice.
Hugs to your SONday sweet ladies......you are precious.....
in His sight and mine! So thankful our paths crossed......
it was a gift!