Saturday, January 30, 2010

He Gives Beauty For Ashes

Don't forget to sign up for our drawing for the Cookbook and Library Book Bag. Ends this coming Wed. Feb. 3rd. Go to my January 22 post and leave a comment please.

Also still have some Valentine gifts available. Post January 18th. I have sold so many and I want to thank you all who bought from me!!!!!

Mr Phil went out this morning to take some pictures for me. I just love him so much!
He is such a sweetie to letting me stay in and keep warm.

You are welcome to use this picture for your encouragement on your
blog, if you like. Just put that it is from Prairie Flower Farm please.

It is truly a winter wonder land everywhere you look on our farm. The trees have ice and snow clinging to their branches . The wind started blowing and the snow was swirling everywhere in the sky. Wish we could have captured it on camera for you; as it really looked beautiful. I could even see it in the house. The ice cycles are about 3-4ft. long on the side of the house. We have not left our place for the last day and a half. That means PEACE in our home. Not having to run around and go here and there has been so delightful for this momma. I have been talking to my Dad and he is as snug as a bug in the hospital. Safe, that also feels good to me. He is feeling and looking much better. Our older kids that live closer to him are going and keeping us posted. Today we will go in and check on him though. He will like. I want to thank allllllll of you who have prayed and encouraged our family with comments on my blog. I believe that your prayers have been answered by the Lord for my dad. I told him that you were all praying and he said Thank You.

This last summer we took rolls of barbed wire down.
I think it looks so pretty with snow on it. Don't ya think?

The trees are hanging with ice and snow. BEAUTIFUL!

"Fuzzy Wuzzy Juneau" is wanting her food this morning.
She is so pretty with her thick coat. I love a horses nose. Don't
know why, I just do.

Those of you who have been following the Livesay family in Haiti please go and read this. Click Please start praying that the Lord would step in. That is their hope. It must be so sad for Troy and Tara. Thank you! If you wouldn't mind putting their picture and link up on your blog to get the info out, as to what is going on in Haiti. They would appreciate it I am sure. I don't even know them, but I do go and read at least 2 times a day. I have grown to love their heart for man in the name of JESUS.

I heart you all, you make my day special! Some of you write me so I can pray. It is an honor and I thank you for letting me know your needs also. I know we all have them and if we don't tell them we walk alone. The Lord gave us each other for sure.

Friday, January 29, 2010

It's snowing, it's snowing I am singing!

This is my little brooder house for my baby chicks. I use it to house my babies
in the spring. It is old a loved by me!

You are welcome to use this picture for your encouragement on your
blog, if you like. Just put that it is from Prairie Flower Farm please.

Hello, It is snowing! We have 5" and more to come. I am all snuggy in my little farmhouse and "lovin" looking out my window. It is sooo beautiful. Wish you could come and have some snow ice cream with me. Have a nice day! I am sure to have one with all this beauty around me!

This art work is from Tressa when she was little for a book that we did called Grandma's House. Makes me smile!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

You Are All So Precious!!!!

Haiti is still being touched by the Lord!
Precious Ladies!

Our family wants to thank you alllllll, so very much! My Dad is still in the hospital. He has times when he is a little confused, but it is good that they are taking care of him and he is getting the care he needs. I want to thank all of you who left us words of encouragement. Every time I would read one, I was a big baby and just cried. I guess that is good to do sometimes and just let it all out!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If I can ever pray for you, please let me know!

Still praying for the Livesay family in Haiti. We read their blog every morning and afternoon. The Lord is blessings our family with what He is doing down there. Please if you haven't gone go. Read it to your family. It is wonderful to see really what is going on!

I receive posts from Sugar Pie Farmhouse and today Aunt Ruthie sent out a new one. I enjoy her love for the Lord and all her pretties! Aunt Ruthie told us of some new video's out by a company we have followed for a long time called Franklin Springs. Our family has enjoyed their family movies. They are very family friendly. Franklin Springs have lots of wonderful videos, so please go check them out. Anyway, Aunt Ruthie told us about the new videos from Homestead Blessings. They are The Art of Dairy and The Art of Cooking. Mr. Phil said,"YOU CAN ORDER THEM!" I am so excited. He knows I need a little Valentine LOVE. They have a sale going on right now on the two. Check the websites out. They said,"This set will serve as a great tool to encourage, entertain, and educate your family in these wonderful arts." They have a few trailers that you can watch to "whet your appetite." Hope you all enjoy, if you have never seen anything from Franklin Springs. A listing of all their movies are here.


P.S. Thank you again for all the love, prayers and encouragement you are showing to our family. You are all so precious!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


You are welcome to use this picture for your encouragement on your
blog, if you like. Just put that it is from Prairie Flower Farm please.

Good day ladies, life can change in a moment for any of us. Yesterday I was working on an order for a Market bag and I got a call from "Meals On Wheels." I knew the lady on the other end of the phone and she said, "I cannot get your Dad to wake up". My heart sank and the adrenaline started going through my body. We have been caring for my Dad who has emphysema and I know one day he will not be with us, but I don't think you are ever prepared. My Phil and I dropped everything and drove into his place. By that time he was awake. He is on oxygen 24/7. We ended up taking him to the doctor and long story short the ambulance had to take him to the hospital at a bigger town close by. He is doing lots better, but as some of you know who take care of their parents, it is a huge responsibility. You have want to make good decisions for them. When I got home I was a little down. That was because I was so tired and it was late. A lady can do that right? Take a little time out to be sad. I was very grateful though to the Lord. He had given us wisdom in a time that we really needed it.

I decided to see if anyone had signed up for our Cookbook Book Bag Drawing. As I was looking my computer told me someone had just left a message. The email was from Sharon from The Shepherds House (go see her blog, please). She was wanting to order a kleenex holder and tea cozy. She also said at the end of her email,"Sweet blessings to you." Now when you are down that is so precious to hear from someone. I answered her email and she wrote back and said, "May the Lord bless you and give you His wonderful peace." What a blessing!!!! I guess what I am trying to say, is we never know what a little encouragement can do for someone. I soooo want to make a difference in someones life, if they come to read my blog. That is my prayer. I was the one encouraged last night. It was just like God to give his weary servant a blessing of kindness. If anyone today, needs encouraged, know that if you set your mind above He will encourage you always at the right time. He just may use another blogger to do that. Thank you Sharon for being that little bit of sunshine in my life last night!

Please pray for our family as we love "Poppa". It is time consuming and expensive to care for someone in the hospital. It is so worth it though. Pray for divine appointments. We would love to encourage someone at the hospital. He has blessed our family so many times as we have waited on Him to bring someone that needed a love from Jesus.

Please tell your friends about our giveaway. Only one week away!!!!! I am so excited to make the bag up. Design in my brain. How fun is that?

Here is a picture of the main piece of fabric for the Book Bag.

I love this piece of fabric! I have been waiting for some time to make it into something special. A Book Bag is perfect! Maybe it will be coming to live at your house!!!!!! Please sign up for the drawing, if you haven't done so yet. Thank you! Scroll down to post January 22 and sign up.
Blessings to you sweet ladies!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cook Book and Book Bag Drawing

This is a really fun cookbook!!!!!!!!

Just a peek of two of the pages

Prairie Flower is in that mood again for another drawing!!!!! I think everyone needs some fun after this long cold winter spell. I know we still have cold ahead, but I really need to bless someone!!! I am not real crazy about the name of this book, but I love the concept of making fun foods for our children and grandchildren. Putting veggies into you're cooking and having the kids with you as you are having fun in the kitchen is a good deal! They will sample the food and be sold on eating their veggies!!!!! I bought this book sometime ago and found another one for a giveaway. Well, here is the time to do a drawing!!!!

My blog has received over 20 thousand hits. Probably half of them are mine. Smile. I am so totally blessed! Thank you to all who have come to my blog and left comments. I haven't had a giveaway lately, mainly because I have been so busy with orders and just plain life. So please sign up! The recipes are delightful!

Also I am making a "Book Bag" that I will be making for the drawing. I promise it will be pretty. If you have ever seen our market bag (on our store or along the side in my slide show of my products) it will be fun like that!!!!

Drawing will be on February 3rd on a Wednesday at 12 noon!

Open to International ladies!!!!!

This is what you can do to win this drawing.

1 vote, leave a comment of one of your favorite cookbooks.

1 vote, if you sign up or are a follower of Prairie Flower and let me know

1 vote, if you post or put up my book button on your blog


1 vote if you subscribe to get our emails.

Now, some people have had problems leaving comments on my blog. Please email me!!! I will put it up for you!!!!! I don't want you left out!


From our Home to yours,

P.S. We have been without sun forever. The sun just peeked through the clouds. Yes!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monday Post Did Not Go Out To Email Subscribers

This is a test to see if a post will go up today!

For some reason my Monday post did not go out to my "email subscribers". I am sending this post out to let you know I put up the Valentine Gift's post on Monday. I am not sure what happened. I also put the Valentine Gifts post, up on my Peace Creek Collections blog and it went out yesterday. If I don't get the post up before 1 p.m. the post waits until the next day. Not sure why that happens either. It never goes up when I put it up. Does anyone know why?

I wanted you to all know that I have been making gifts for sale. I made Valentine Tissue Holders and Tea Cozy Holders. Come and see!

Blessings, Linda

Monday, January 18, 2010

Valentines Gifts for Sale!

Prairie Flower Kleenex Holder
I have been sewing up kleenex holders for sale in case you might need a Valentine gift for someone special. Each one fits into your purse perfectly. I use 100% calico fabric. I will have to choose the calico fabric as each order comes in. Items will be similar to those in the photo though. Thank you so much. If you order the kleenex holder and the tea cozy holder below together you will have a savings of .75 cents and the older will be $10.50 together. I can also make the two match, if you would like them to I can do that.

Please leave me a comment and also email me at, if you are interested in buying this item. Please put in the subject Kleenex holder, tea cozy or both

Price $4.50 shipping $1.50 add .25 for each additional holder
Pay Pal or check
Each kleenex holder tagged and in a bag

Prairie Flower Tea Cozy

I have been sewing up a storm making tea cozies for sale, if you might need a Valentine gift for that special person. Each little cozy has a tea bag inside. The little tea cozy has been sewn using 100% cotton out of red calico. I work very hard to make each one really sweet. I will have to choose the calico fabric as each order comes in. Items will be similar to those in the photo though. Thank you so much.

Please leave me a comment and also email me at, if you are interested in buying this item.

Price is $4.00 Shipping $1.25 add .25 for each additional
PayPal or check

If you order the tissue holder and tea cozy together I will make them match if you would like.

Together they will be $10.50 with a savings of .75 cents. Add $1.50 for shipping and .50 for each additional set please.

Each cozy tagged and packaged in a bag.

Also, if you see this post at a later date, we still will be selling these items.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Follow the Life of a Missionary Family in Haiti

A Missionary family in Haiti. Their blog Livesay Haiti banner says,

Better to Love God and die unknown than to love the world and be a hero; better to be content with poverty than to die a slave to wealth, better to have taken some risks and lost than to have done nothing and succeeded at it. E. Lutzer Makes my heart look inward.

Yesterday I received a link from one of my blog followers of a missionary family with 6 children that are living in Haiti right now. I thought that some of my followers would be interested in reading this blog. Read it with your family. Great schooling here! Troy and Tara Livesay have been journaling about life and continuing now after an earthquake. You can pray better, as you read what the living conditions are for the families that have been devastated by this horrific quake. You'll read Tara's heart as a momma, as they make decisions on what the Lord has for them to do now. It is touching me for sure. I asked the Lord what I can do. I will continue to ask and I know He will lead our family in what to do next.

When I was in my teens my family and I lived in Alaska, at the time of the earthquake in Anchorage. Even though we lived in Juneau, 569 miles away, we still felt it. I remember that afternoon and the ground was going out from under us. It was a very frightening time for us, because they thought that a tidal wave was going to come in on the town of Juneau. We lived in the country so we were safe, but our extended family was in the city and there was danger that could happen. That is why it is so difficult with Haiti. The roads are all torn up and you can't just move or drive anywhere in the city. Huge rocks and buildings are on top of each other. We need to pray that the workers can work effectively in the conditions that they have to battle with. Pray for wisdom for the coordinators of the relief effort and endurance for the workers. Pray for the people to call upon the Lord and He will make their path straight.

On my last post I wrote about (T) and her husband who still hadn't heard about their family lost in Haiti. Last night they received a phone call from his brother and family. It was a rejoicing time for all.

We still have not heard about the little boy that our second son's family adopted and were caring for his needs as he lives in Haiti. They heard from Compassion International that the whereabouts are not known yet. Our son has two young children that are waiting to here. Life is hard. I can't imagine what the mommas and daddy's that are in Haiti are going through. The loss and pain must be unbearable. Pray for wisdom and strength. The unknown is daily for these people. My trust is in the Lord.

I was reading in God's word. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27.

I am praying this for Haiti and anyone that has anything to do with what is going on there. Pray also that many will come to the Lord for salvation. Please join me.

Our daughters are followers of Hands and Feet who are in Haiti. If you go there you can follow their news. You can also follow their blog. There is a wonderful opportunity here for people to come to Christ as ministry that are already in Haiti share with the people! I am thankful that my daughters are getting involved, even if it is just that they pray. We are so needy and dependent on our GOD right now!

Linda and family

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Praying For Haiti and Volunteer Workers!

I am realizing that every one of you are probably somehow affected by the horrible earthquake that happened the other day in some way or other. We have a family that we know whose daughter (T) was a missionary a few years back at an orphanage in Haiti. They say that the children are safe. T married a young man from Haiti and they now live here in the US. They have not heard anything from his family. It has been 3 1/2 days now for them to sit and just wait to hear news. They are praying, but the anguish must be horrible. The stories that are coming out about how the Lord has been working and the lives that have been touched have been an encouragement. Some of the stories are so desperate though and all that our family can do, is just pray about each situation that we hear about.

I belong to a forum called Sugar Pie Farmhouse and there are ladies that are praying and encouraging one another there. I posted "Can we do anything for Haiti" and someone brought up Samaritans Purse as a place to give. They have done relief work in Haiti before and already have people on the ground doing work right now. I thought I would pass this on to you in case you can give. News is telling everyone to be careful to whom you give. There will be a lot of fraud going on. That seems so sad to me, that people would take advantage of hurting situations. Does not make sense to me at all!

If you have any prayer needs for us to pray for situations that are affecting your family, let us know. We can't believe all the destruction. It is all so sad., but we I know that the Lord is working.

P.S. I am adding a note. Our middle son's family (they have 2 children that love this little boy) adopted a little boy from Haiti with Compassion International. Compassion is looking for him, but have not found him yet. My kids are praying that he can be found. If you could please pray for him if you read this, our family would appreciate it. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Waking Up To Kansas Weather

This tree is down our lane. It has never looked prettier!
Off to the north west on a tree row from our house.
This is a weed bush. So pretty.
Out across the field north of our farm.

Our family woke up this morning to a winter wonder land. It was so beautiful. Wish you could have seen. I am recording these pictures on my blog for my family and you are a part of that!!!!! The trees had about 1/3" of ice crystals all over them. The crystals were everywhere. The clothespin line, bushes, on my CHRISTmas garlands and as the wind blew little snowflakes were flying everywhere. It was the Lord's beauty to behold. I did just that. He gave me a present this morning. I am reminded that He plans my days.

Outside as it is melting you can hear the droplets hitting the roof. It is a pretty sound. I am enjoying my day.
from our Home to yours,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Just Reminiscing Today

Click on the picture, if you would like to read the article.

I have been reading on different blogs about how you are cleaning and turning over a new leaf. You are cleaning and going through papers and I am doing the same thing here at Prairie Flower. I came across this "Country Women" magazine from 1994 that we were in. Thought you might like to see what we did 16 years ago and some of our old patterns. Tressa is so little. Wow! Those days were really a fun time for me. I am hoping that in the days ahead I will have the opportunity to do more patterns for our little store, Peace Creek Collections.

From our Home to yours,

P.S. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the comments on my last post. You are all so precious and I truly appreciate the time you gave in encouraging me. What a blessing you all are!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The More I Seek You With An Empty Cup

You are welcome to take my picture and use it on your blog for your encouragement.

Last night my honey and I came home from a meeting. The meeting was precious and gave our hearts comfort, just because we were with two Christian friends. We are at a crossroad in our lives and are looking for a new way to make a living. We won't be farming. Age 57 and 60? Yikes! Life sometimes crashes in on us, which make us more dependent on the Lord. It is causing me to trust the Lord and that is definitely not a bad thing. So many times in life our cups are empty and in need of a fresh out pouring from the Lord to fill it. I realize I am not the only one that is going through hard times. All across America families are making huge decisions in their lives about what to do next. Elizabeth Elliot says, "do the next good thing". So many are losing jobs. It breaks my heart, but we are praying for an out pouring of mercy and grace on our land and that people would find help in the Lord. Crisis has the opportunity to do that and my sweetie and I are finding ourselves in a little crisis. My encouragement though is that the Lord will never leave us. I CAN look back on my life and see HIS HAND all over it.

After we got home Mr. Phil went out to do the chores, I had my own praise time by myself with the Lord as my audience. I like to go to youtube and put in a christian artist and listen to songs. My paniced heart was put to rest again. So here we are crying out to the only one that can truly help us in "any situation."

Here is one of the songs Kari Jobe sang. I hope it blesses some of you who are out there and who are very weary. Life is hard. For me, it makes me long for heaven. What a day that will be. Until then lets just keep encouraging one another as scripture says. I Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." Wow, that is how I feel every time I get a comment from you all. I hope I can be that for you!

We Cry Out
Father of life seated on Your throne of grace
It’s only by Your mercy we are saved
Lord, You have said if we call upon Your name
We and our families will be saved

So we cry out Your name
El Shaddai, God of grace
Lord most high, Jesus Christ
We rely on Your grace
Adonai, crowned in praise
Lord most high, Jesus Christ

Father of love never failing to forgive
Each moment is a gift from
You to live
We’re only here to tell the world about
Your grace
Until the day
You take us all away

We will cry out on
Your name
El Shaddai, God of grace
Lord most high, Jesus Christ
We rely on
Your grace
Adonai, crowned in praise
Lord most high, Jesus Christ

Heavenly Father we come in the name of Jesus Christ, the name above all names. We are with our hands lifted up before you Lord, to ask that you would fill our cup with you. Help us to be grateful for what you choose to put into it. You know what is best and what you have for us to do. We ask that you would make the path straight. Thank you for being such a Wonderful Daddy.
We love you and want to live it with our lives. In Jesus name, Amen

Talk about something that happened that encouraged me. I did a little bartering with a blogger friend. You will love Cathy, she is a sweetie! Course all my blogger friends are sweeties, right. Her blog is called Live well, laugh often, love often. She also has a store Made With Love by Cathy, that you will want to look at also. I received the feather trees as my trade and then she put in a market bag she designed in just for me. I felt so loved! The market bag had scripture all over it. I love it!!!!!! I will use it a lot!

Hope all of you are warm. I am trying to wear more clothes. We are going to have a heat wave from our 10 degrees to 42 degrees on Sunday. That will be nice. I think.

Going today to celebrate our grandson's 8th birthday and our middle son's 34th birthday today....... hmmm ........... I always thought when I got to my 30's I would be old. What does that make me now? heheheh

Blessings from our Home to yours,

Friday, January 8, 2010

Feed the Birdies Please!

This is a little junko. They are one of my favorite little birds. Doesn't he
look so sweet just perched on the end of my bird feeder?

It is bitter cold here in Kansas. It is 5 degrees outside. When you live on a farm it takes a lot more work to keep all the animals fed, watered and kind of warm. We are also feeding the birdies lots of birdseed. The pictures are taken right out my kitchen window. They are all puffy this time of year, specially since the weather is cold. Just thought you would like to see.
Mr. Cardinal has lived on our farm for sometime. He was extra bushy yesterday when I took this picture. He almost doesn't look real. He sat in the evergreen tree all day. Mrs. used to live on our farm, but she has not been around for some time. Makes me sad. I love watching them in the spring time courting. They really do! He breaks open the seed for her and feeds her. It happens every spring! I hope a momma bird from another farm kicks one of her girls out of the nest so she will come live at my farm. That doesn't sound very nice of me to say that after I wrote it. smile!

If you like the scripture picture, you are welcome to use it on your blog for encouragement. Just put that it is from Prairie Flower Farm. I love this scripture and I am so thankful for the love the Lord has for me. He is so totally wonderful! If someone has not told you they love you today, I do and so does Jesus!!!!!!!! He said so on the cross!!!!!

If you came to my house I would serve you hot cocoa with fresh whip cream on the top or Wild Huckleberry Sweet Tea that my friend gave me! What would you serve at your house?

From my Home to yours,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Dozen Quilter's Quilt Group

My friend Melissa over at Lilac Lane included me in a quilt group called, A Dozen Quilter's. When you go to her blog notice the little apron tutorial on the side. Adorable! She is a Moda girl now!

It has been really different for me. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone as far as design, color and style. I love it that everyone has their own taste and I am learning to appreciate that. Usually when I do a quilt it is two color. I just love cream or white and a color. I thought it would be fun to let you see what I have done so far. Each lady has a month. She will pick a design and fabric preference. Then the 11 other ladies go out and buy or use their own stash to make what she wants. I usually talk to the lady that is in charge of the month to see if she has a certain idea and what she might prefer.

My month to decide what I would like will be this spring. I have been dreaming of what I would like. Any idea's ladies?
Debbie wanted turquoise and red. She had always wanted a house block. So I did it.

Carmen wanted soft pinks and sage. This was harder then what I thought it would be. I like it!
Christy wanted Amy Butler fabric. This did turn out pretty don't you think?

I am working on a new block for Gayly for January. She wanted something with a star block. She gave us a site called Quilters Cache , this had lots of star blocks to choose from. Hope you can find something you might like! There other blocks beside stars. You will find everything there. Be sure to go to the home place and you can find other designs also. Tell me if you like it!

From our Home to yours,

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Our 2009 Grammie and Poppa Snowman Camp


All our grandchildren showed up in the afternoon. Sleeping bags, warm clothes and pillows filled the front room. Lots of happiness was going on for sure. We have 6 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. The boys talk more and louder then the girls hands down.
They laugh and keep the party going.

Before they got to the farm, I had the table and house all decorated with snowmen. My friend Mary blessed me some years back with lots of snowman gifts. Everything you could think of, she gave. I have collected snowmen over the years and have received some from my kids and honey. I decorated real simple with evergreen branches. I also sprinkled pretend snow on the branches and snowmen. It looked like a winter wonderland.

Everyone got situated with their stuff in designated spots and then it was time for supper.

Our evening meal was spaghetti, corn and herb bread. Mr. Phil bought me new snowman dishes (plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs) for the snowman party. Thank you honey! The kids loved them. We put the food on the plate and told them they had to eat it to see what design was on the plate. My momma always did that when my siblings and I were little. The children seem to enjoy it when I do it for them. As the kids ate we listened to what had been going on in their life. That is probably one of our favorite parts of the party.

Games and treats!

After our meal we had some games, puzzles, popcorn and hot cocoa. I found so many games for only $1.00 each at WalMart, Dollar Store and Target. There was lots of laughing and conversation between the cousins as they played together.

It was getting late and time to get the crew ready for bed. Ha! We had kids under the dining room table and girls with Grammie. Poppa had all the boys. YES! That was a sight. Before bed though Poppa read the CHRISTmas story. It never gets to old. One message that stuck out and the children memorized was “nothing is impossible with God”. Now when you break that down. Nothing means there is not one thing that God cannot accomplish. It was a sweet time for Poppa and myself to listen to sweetness from our grandchildren lips. They are learning to love our God. We trust as they watch us love God they will also. As I get older I realize what a huge responsibility that is on our shoulders as our grandchildren’s watch and listen to their Grammie and Poppa. I was not raised in a Christian home. They loved me, they just didn't know the Lord personally. When Mr. Phil got saved, we started going to a Bible teaching church that was on fire! We went everytime the doors opened. We loved our new church family and we started to grow. Our little family was young and we were so hungry to know how the Lord wanted us to live. I am so thankful that we can teach our grandchildren now.

The girls went to sleep first and it took the boys about 2 hours to finally get calmed down. Poppa took good care of that. smile.

The morning came soon. They all enjoyed pancakes for breakfast. Really easy to make snowmen pancakes with the gel decorating tubes. I used black and orange. The kids loved them. After the children ate their breakfast they went outside to play with their forts. The day was warm and they had a total blast. They drug stuff from everywhere on this farm to make their forts their own. The girl made their fort into little houses. It was so cute to watch them all. I was in the house getting the house ready for the party. I am giving you some of the instructions to some of the things I made. I will also link you to some other blogs that other bloggers told me about. I hope you can use some of these ideas if you ever have a Snowman Party.

Needs: toilet paper tube, black and rust marker, white tissue paper, red ribbon
string and small candy

1. Toilet paper tube

2 Cut tissue paper about 1 1/2" bigger on each end and enough to cover the tube tight.

3. Tuck tissue into one end of the tube (this will be the bottom).

4. Twist the top and tie ribbon and make a bow

5. Open the bottom end up again and stuff the tube with candy.

6. Draw two little eyes, nose and mouth.

This is not my pattern. I just came up with making it into a snowman. I have permission from Kathy the designer of the water bottle holder to put it up on my blog. You will have to go to her wonderful website to get the pattern, for this insulated water bottle holder. Look around while you are there, she has adorable things to look at. Pink Chalks Studio water bottle carrier I used cream flannel for my water bottle and some snowman fabric for the lining. It was some fabric I designed so our grandchildren can have something of Grammies. If you can't find the flannel cream fabric, I can sell you some.

1. Trace nose to paper backed fusible webbing. Iron paper to rust fabric. Cut the nose out. Set aside. Click here for placement and pattern for Snowman Face Pattern

2. Iron paper backed fusible webbing to black fabric

3. Use a 1/4" paper punch and punch out 7 circles. I was so excited when I tried this and it worked! I wasn't sure how I was going to cut those little circles out with them being so little.

4. Cut a pice of cardboard 1/2" by 4"long. Lay a 5" red piece red yarn on the bottom edge of the cardboard.

5. Wrap yarn around 30 times. Keep the 5" yarn piece from getting in the way.

6. Tie the 5" yarn tight around the yarn in a double knot. Cut the yarn away from the cardboard on the other end of the cardboard to make a pompom. This is soo easy to do. Shape the pompom by cutting all the stray ends. Make it into a little ball. Set aside.

7. Take the paper off the back of the nose and eyes and mouth. Look at picture for a reference on placement. Iron in place.

8. Measure any kind of ribbon for the strap and sew to each side of the water bottle holder.

9. Glue pompoms to each side using a glue gun. It is finished. Now I like to put my water bottles in the freezer for about a half hour. Then put them into the Snowman Water Bottle Holders. With the insulation in the inside it kept the grandkids water very nice and cold for a long time.

The spoon was found on an adorable blog called Homespun at Heart. Scroll down to January 19th, 2007, when you get onto Monica's blog I love her heart, it is precious. You will have fun at her blog site. My friend Sharon at A Merry Heart Journal told me about Monica's snowman party. Thank you Sharon. Monica gave me permission also to put this up. I used a black and orange permanent marker to put the faces on the spoon, but I just read that it is not safe. oops! You can find EASY WRITER food decorating pens here: You can also find them at the store. Monica uses edible food markers. They come of when the child eats with the spoon. Thank you Monica! So appreciate your help here.

For dessert I made little strawberry shortcakes in little mason jars. I made angel food cake using all my chicken eggs. I cubed up the angel food cake and layered with strawberries/sugar and whipped fresh cream, using powdered sugar instead of sugar when you whip it. Then put a big dollop (I like that word) of whipping cream on the top. Make the cream flat with a spoon
Use the orange and black decorating gel to put on the face. Put a lid on the jar, so that when they open it up, they have a little snowman staring at them. Hehe! Surprise!!!!! A snowman looking at you!!

After we ate we had a fun time, making some crafts. The children made thank you cards to their Momma's and Daddy's for blessing them with a wonderful CHRISTmas. The highlight was the snowman race though. Do you see 2 cute little wind up snowmen in the picture above? Well, we would start at the end of the table with two children and they would race. Each child would wind up a snowman and we would say, "ready set go". We laughed and laughed at what the snowmen would do. One time they came together and went round and round in a circle. We raced till every child won a prize.

Each family took a little gift home for their parents. It was a very special time fo everyone. They are still talking about it. I love having them all in my life. God is so good to me. I am such a very grateful Grammie for all that the Lord has blessed me with.

I bought a storage tub for our snowman party. After the CHRISTmas sales I was able to picked up some things on sale for next year. I just think this tub is going to be so useful for me to keep everything organized in one place. I am amazing myself! smile

As I have been writing this post I have been thinking about some of you Grandmothers that would love to have a party, but don't live close to your grandkids. Well, I had this great idea. Why not have one already made up and send it in a box? You could get a cookie pail and fill it with goodies just like we made here and paper plates, cups and what ever. You could write out the instructions for the games, the stories to be read and what ever else you come up with. Be sure to send a love note about how much you love them. This is getting me excited. I think that you still have time beings it is still winter and all the snow is coming down all over the country. Please tell me if you do something. I would love to hear about it.

I still had ideas that I wanted to do, but just ran out of time. I may post about them at a later date, but thank you so much for coming by and seeing what we did. It was a lot of fun and I just want my grand-babies to remember their Grammie as one that loved them very much. If you all have any idea's of other parties we can do let me know. I love designing things. We have had so many different kinds of camps. I will continue to record for you when we have our Valentine Camp. Blessings!

From our Home to yours.
