Friday, December 21, 2012

A Day To REJOICE......Momma is with the LORD!

Good the most precious ladies ever!

Dixie Lee Reid Leach

When I was young our family had a fire in our home. We lost almost everything...a lot of pictures included. My niece had this picture of our Momma. It is a favorite one that we have now. 

What a last few weeks. Ups and downs........yes.......but one thing I have known for sure.... my Heavenly Father has known from the beginning of time what my days would consist of. He is sufficient for every thing He puts and takes out of my life. He is my Rock for all the days of my life. Loosing my precious Momma I knew one day, would probably be one of those times I would need my Jesus. I have leaned on Him and He has not failed me. 

One of the gifts to myself and my sister Shannon was that she was going to be with today to help bury our Momma. Due to the fact that she was diagnosed a few months with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and had an appointment set in stone for last Tuesday we had to wait for the funeral. The tests were run and the Doctor said that she in no way could come. Our hearts were broken to say the least, but we still knew the Lord had not left us. We would continue to put our trust back in His care. We waited thinking that she could still come after the tests. More tests.......more tests and the answer was still no.

It is still well with our souls. Hard...... another one of those "hardest things in life"!!!! We all have them, disappointments that hurt to the core, but my Jesus said it was okay, that our refuge is in Him alone. I put up on facebook that Momma would want Shanny to take care of herself and we always "minded" our Momma.

Today is a new chapter in our lives....may the Lord help me to take the baton... in hand from my Mom's, run the race and be an example of CHRIST to those who come into my life. Woman have a huge role that the Lord wants them to fill in sharing to the next generation the Truth of His Word. It is one that we can not take lightly. Our Momma would find great joy this verse.

"I have no greater Joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Thank you for your prayers and support during this time. It has been such a sweet blessing to myself and my family. Today at 10:30 this morning we will say our goodbyes. My great Joy is that one day I will without a doubt say "hello" again. Having my Momma in Heaven forever! What a precious gift from our Heavenly FatherGod is so merciful to His children and we can take great comfort that He will never leave us or forsake us! 

If you do not know Jesus personally and have not accepted His free gift of not let today go by without doing so. 

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name (Jesus). John 1:12


  1. I read this having just returned from the thanksgiving service for a Christian friend from our village who has just died. His daughter is a beloved member of our fellowship.
    My prayers are with all those who mourn - we have a glorious hope in Jesus - but right now, there is still a space and we miss those who have gone on before.
    blessings x

  2. My thoughts continue to be with you and the family!Hugs,Jen

  3. Linda, I am praying for you as I know this is such a difficult time. Two days ago was the second anniversary of losing my dad. It will always be a sad date, for he was such a strong, good, wonderful dad, such an example of Jesus to me! When I first started reading your post, I wondered if our parents have met in heaven, and then thought they probably didn't have to be introduced, for they would *know*. What a marvelous thought! The child of God has HOPE and a FUTURE because of what Jesus did for us. I join with you in encouraging others to follow Him, cling to Him. Blessings, dear Linda, on you and your family. May God comfort you especially during this time.

  4. So sorry your sister could not make the trip. As you said GOD knows best.

    GOD BLESS you as you face the days ahead.

  5. Oh Linda, I know how precious that picture has to be to you. I am blessed with so many pictures, but my Tom lost most of his in a flood. So we understand. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Love and ((hugs))!


  6. Linda, just wanted to share with you that I lost my Mom 12/26/04. Her birthday is 12/24. Always remembering my Mom especially this time of year. Also, missing our sweet Delainey. But I know she is loved and happy in Heaven with her Great Grandparents and other Trisomy 18 children that have left us too soon, these past months. Your Momma will forever be in your heart. I agree with all you said. It is the Lord Jesus who gets us through the sorrow to the joy of knowing we will see them again in Heaven forever! Love you dear Friend.

  7. Oh Linda, so sorry your sister wasn't able to be there, I know it meant alot to both of you. I have been praying for safe travel for her, I think Jesus knew that the roads and travel would not be safe for them!
    What a precious picture of your mother, you look so much like her! So sweet! I know this has been a hard time for you.
    Blessings and prayers,
    We are having the high winds now in West NC, lights just flickered, I am getting the flashlight out now!
    Love and hugs, be comforted in our LORD!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!