Flowers at the entrance of the Milk Barn, they say "Country Living" don't you think? You are welcome to use the photo if you like.
Today I moved the little chicks that I got for my birthday out to the Old Milk House. It is a small building that they used to keep the milk cool until the milk truck came to pick it up in the early evening. My Mr. Phil's family had a dairy a long time ago. I have made it into a little nursery for chicks, baby ducks and little kittens. One time we even helped a farmer and his wife take care for 2 of their baby lambs. That was a wonderful experience. Anyway I thought you might like to see our little Milk House. It is very old and needs a lot of work, but besides the Potters's Shed it another one of my favorite little buildings on the farm. Some day it will be fixed.............until that day I will enjoy it just the way it is........ Smile.
I have perennials coming up all around it. Green is starting to pop up out of the ground.
I can open the window on the side when it gets warmer.
Love this willow wreath at the top of the door, don't you?
This is the door to the entrance of the Milk Barn. Notice the white wash sides.
I think it is kind of neat how the person that built this little barn used scraps of wood.
If you opened the door this is what you would see. Not real pretty, but very practical! On the right are the new little chicks. They have a light in the cage, so they will be nice and toasty warm. I also put a towel over the top and side to help. The left cage will be for the baby ducks. Today Orscheln's called and said that the little ducks are in. They are to little right now and are in the house until they get a little bigger. You will love them!
Oh, how I love farm life. I thank my Heavenly Father all the time that he let me homestead
as a little girl with my parents in Alaska and since then I have lived on a farm in Kansas! He has let me love the simple things in life. I am truly very blessed and very grateful. It has been a hard working life and farming is definitely not easy. You never know if you will have a good or bad crop. It was a life of faith and you know what? The Lord always provided. Always! Many time our family has gone to a field and got on our knees asking the Lord for water on the crops. It was amazing to see that sometimes He would answer and give us rain! We may not have had everything we wanted, but it was everything we needed. To see the farm still in the family after all these years, working side by side with Grandma and Grandpa when they were alive and now with our family, it is a wonderful thing! We have prayed much that the Lord would hold the farm together and He has. Even in the real hard times He was so faithful. I am sure you all have the same stories to tell about your life. It seems to be getting harder out there. People loosing their jobs...............but I do know, if we all take care of one another...... we will come through with His help.
They peep all the time.............. when they are not sleeping.
Last night our youngest daughter and I got on the floor with them,
they followed all around.
They are a perfect addition to Prairie Flower Farm.
A galvanized pail, 2 baby ducks, water and a family! What more fun could you have? Even though they are not very old they can swim. God thought of everything. I am so glad!
I have a special little boy in Thailand that looks at all my farm animals on my blog and some children here in the states. This video is especially for them.
We moved from our old farm to our new farm over a year ago. The farm we live on now has been in my honey's family since 1885. A homesteader acquired the land first through the Homestead Act in the year of 1878. After he homesteaded the farm for 5 years and living in a sod house he sold it to Ira and Rebecca Stubbs. We are not sure if they built some of the farm house we live in, but we know it is very old. It has lots of work to be done and so one day we will enjoy fixing it up. I love it because it is Phil's families farm. It will be a place that his siblings and other generations will be able to come back home to and experience the same family farm. Both Grandpa Jack and Grandma Jo have now gone to be with the Lord. We are the 5th generation to live here. Our children have had all of their holiday dinners in this home. Now their children will continue to have all of their holidays here. Life goes on from generation to generation. I am running a purposeful race. Running to win and receive a prize. I pray that my grandchildren will choose to run with me......... to win!!!!!! Hope you enjoy the pic's!
Please don't forget to download your free Spring Thyme Stitchery, if you haven't already. It is in the last post and you download it on the side!
I spent a little time with Clarice yesterday. She reminded me that she was 97. I will post more about it tomorrow. She is soooooo adorable. She taught me how she make these sweet little crocheted flowers and edging on a towel. With her shaking little hands she said, "Do you have time, I will show you how to make the flower!" I made the time! I have the little flower. I will cherish it forever!! She sent me home with the towel to figure out how to make the pattern. It was wonderful. She is my sunshine at the nursing home. When I go I go to see my Momma, I usually end up crying. She can't talk to me and I miss that so much. It has been a hard road as some of you know who have parents with dementia, but I can love on her and that makes all the difference in the world. I know she knows me and she holds my hand. I will be grateful with that. She is soooo precious!
Remember Clarice gave me the old old apron? Well, I about have the apron ready to go to the printer! Then we will have it as an e-pattern also. Can't wait!
Oh, one more thing. Thank you so much to each of you that stopped by and said thank you for the stitchery and I am glad you liked it. It put sunshine in my day to know that you were blessed!
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love the milk barn! And the ducks are so adorable, the video was a hit with my girls, too. Lots of ohhhhh's with that one :) . Thank you for your kind words about my blog, I will be visiting you here often as well my friend!
I also posted a link to your lovely Spring Thyme Stitchery pattern on the HomesteadBlogger Front Porch this morning :) .
Thank you again for your generosity and your kindness. It is truly a pleasure to "meet" you.
Catherine :)
Sweet Catherine and girls, thank you so much for putting me up on Homestead Blogger! I used to go over there, but kind of got a little busy in other areas. That was soooooo kind of you to do that! I went and read your post. Very nice of you!
ReplyDeleteMy girls love the little ducks also. Can't wait to show the grandchildren. They are going to love watching the little ducks swim.
Blessings, Linda
Your milk barn looks just lovely like it is! And the little ones are so sweet!!! Thanks for sharing. And thank you so much for sending me the link again for the stitchery. It worked now to download and I just love this cute snowman!
ReplyDeleteBe blessed
Hugs Martina
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful testimony of how good the God we serve is to all of us. Thank you so much for all you do. I enjoy reading your blog and many, many times I have received much encouragement from your words. Thanks again and God bless.
ReplyDeleteMartina Thank you for the sweet words. I love the little barn also, but it really needs a new roof!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDonna, You are so welcome! I am glad I can encourage anyone! Yes we have such a wonderful God!
Blessings, Linda
Dearest Linda ~ You are a sweetie and I think you have the most wonderful attitude...how lovely to visit you here! :) Your milk barn is so cute and I love it the way it is! Thanks for sharing all your precious pictures of farm life...how beautiful it all is!!
ReplyDeleteLove to you today my friend!
Linda -
ReplyDeleteI wanted to tell you that I have never ever heard the name Clarice until reading your blog. The reason it is interesting to me is that my middle name is Clarice. I was named after my great grandmother, so I know it is an older name. I have always liked it and felt that it was unique. I loved hearing about this older lady who was so sweet to you. I hope I have the opportunity to bless someone like that in my old age. Blessings to you today and thank you for putting your time in to such a sweet, Christian blog. - Anna Clarice
Camille, thank you for stopping by!!! You are a sweetie! Well, since everyone likes my little barn the way it is, maybe I should keep it that way. With a new roof though!!!!!!!!!! Just came in from watering my new rose bush and cherry tree. I am going to have to wait a few years for the cherry pie!
ReplyDeleteAnna Clarice, I love your name, how beautiful. I wish I could show you a picture of Clarice. She is so adorable. She won't let me put a picture of her on my blog, she is kind of funny about things like that, but she said I could take pictures of her hands! That will work for me!
Blessings, Linda
That is so cool that you bought the family farm, I love that! And those ducks are adorable, I miss having them and I love the photos too!
ReplyDeleteHi Sue, We didn't buy the farm we got it as part of the inheritance. We have worked for over 35 years on this farm and the other one that the estate sold. We are so thankful to have it. Glad you liked the little ducks. They are so sweet!!!
ReplyDeletethank you for stopping by!!!!!
Blessings, Linda
Hi Linda,
ReplyDeleteI love your 'little milk house', it is 'beautiful' , the 'aging' ADDS to its' beauty.....aging in 'people' should have same kind of value also, in GOD'S eyes we will & do !! To HIM, we are SOOO PRECIOUS, just as those little ducks, enjoying the bucket swim !!
Will show this to Grandson Jacob when he wakes from his nap. We had our little ducks out today also, 2 were social, 2 were somewhat frightned.
Thank U for your faithfulness in 'Posting' !!
ReplyDeleteThe milk house is adorable! Don't change a thing, well maybe a new roof, don't want the chicks getting wet:)
What a great starter home for the chicks and ducks :)
The willow wreath is great, and so is the star!
Thanks for sharing, it brightened my day :)
The geraniums in the old teapot made me smile :)
Bless you and yours,
What a wonderful post...a refreshing break from my work day. Your baby ducks are just about the sweetest things ever! I can't wait to show my girls your video when they get home from school. Our feed store has had such a run on their chicks this year that they're always out when we try to go see them. Ever since they were toddlers I've taken them down to see the chicks. I didn't get a chance to thank you the other day, but THANK YOU for the wonderful stitchery pattern. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteAmy in North Idaho
I absolutely love visiting your "little homestead"...always so many fun things going on there. I love the "Old Milk House" and oh my, the sweetest baby ducks. So, so sweet! Thank you so much for visiting my "little space"...even though it is not in the country...we love to give it a country feel! Sweetest blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteI always love stopping by to see your pictures...they are always beautiful...
ReplyDeleteLinda, you truly have a gift for those special touches - and proof again is in that Milk Barn. Love it! And I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the little ducks' pics & video (I had to watch it twice... precious!). Thanks so much for your posts - they always lift me up. And you are right - the Lord always provides. We should never doubt. Sometimes it's hard, but He always come through for us. Thank you for the reminder :) Hugs, Tammy
ReplyDeleteYour old milk house is gorgeous!And the video was very cute :0)
ReplyDeleteHave lovely weekend Linda.
I am so glad, you give me your blog adress back! I had lost it. My husband and I read a little of your blog this morning during the coffeebreak!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures and a beautiful testimony of how good the God we serve is to all of us! So much thanks for the free stichery pattern! Blessings to you! Margriet
Oh Linda! You brighten my day everytime I come here. I come here everytime you post, but don't always have time to comment. You bless me so much! You are one of those people that the joy of the Lord shines through and you lift others up just by being you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures of the milk house, I wouldn't change a thing!
Have a glorious weekend!! I love you!
Thanks so much for letting us peek inside the milk house...and the video of the ducks was just precious. YOU are a spot of sunshine in our days. :)
ReplyDeleteWe have a milk house too, but it is attached to the farmhouse. I'd love to be purposeful in using it, but somehow it seems to gather random bits of stuff for storage...ugh. Thanks for the shot in the arm!
My little 4 yr old guy was enamored by the sweet ducks. We had to watch the video over and over and over. =] Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBeen traveling back through some of your older postings...I love these pictures and the little ducks are adorable!