I have been without internet service from Thursday until late last night. Oh my, I missed you all so. Good to be back. heehee!

Just yesterday Tressy was a baby it seems. Momma's with young, enjoy every diaper that you change, every night hour you are awake, (a dear older woman told me to use that time holding my little one to pray over them), muddy foot prints on your newly washed floor. . . . . you fill in the rest! Enjoy it ALL! This too shall pass, ever so quickly! smile. We chose to keep our girls at home to train them in the way that the Lord leads us. We have been able to live together as a family all of the girl's lives, not sending them out from our home, and I am a blessed Momma. I want to make a disclaimer here. If you have chosen to have your children go to school outside your home, that is your family's choice. I am not looking down on that. This is just what we have chosen for our family.
She has not had the love of a man in her heart yet, the only man being her Daddy. I am so grateful that He has been such a wonderful example in showing her what true love looks like as he has loved me. She has been able to enjoy life without the pressure of dating. We know the day will come when the Lord will reveal to her family and herself, that special man chosen by God to be her forever husband, if that is what He chooses for her. I love the pictures that the girls took capturing the life Tress has been able to enjoy. I think they did such a great job! Please pray for her as she seeks her Heavenly Father and His direction in her life. She has a very special deep love for Jesus. We know her desire is to live a life worshiping (a life of obedience) and living for her God. We will stay on bended knee asking for His protection for her heart. I am getting choked up just writing this post. I have totally been able to enjoy “every” day of her life and I am overwhelmed with greatfulness. He has been faithful to help us with living it out and teaching us, as we taught her. We have had our hurts and disappointments and we believe they have been used to make us stronger in the Lord. Every child gets to decide on how they are going to live as they leave your home. We believe that you hide God's word in their hearts when they are with you in your home and then God will use the word as he or she sets up their own home.
One of our life verses for our family has been. . . . . . .
Dueteronomy 6:5-9, 18-19 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress (make a mark, using a stamp or seal, imprint) them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. . . . .
18 Do what is right and good in the LORD's sight, so that it may go well with you and you may go in and take over the good land that the LORD promised on oath to your forefathers, 19 thrusting out all your enemies before you, as the LORD said.
Daddy, Momma and Jesus watch me worship!
Learning in a new season of my life!
We will watch, wait and see "our own cowgirl"!
lovely post! My oldest is 17 and it is startling to watch them grow so quickly. Makes you hold your breath sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHello Linda, Happy Mother's Day to you!!! I loved this post as it totally reflects our hearts. You put it into words perfectly. Our second oldest is right on the verge of heaading out on his own, still home, still has his heart here, but I can see change right around the corner. Bittersweet, it is, to see them go, yet wonderful to see them spread their wings. I cry tears of sadness and joy at the same time. You are right in saying that it goes by so quickly. 20 years ago this summer was the hottest of my life, I was pregnant with this guy. 20 years ago!! Really does seem like yesterday!
ReplyDeletePraying for a blessed Mother's Day for you.
Yes, they grow so quickly. My oldest just celebrated her 18th birthday! I love having my children home with me each day...it is a blessing from God!
Hey Aunt Linda--
ReplyDeleteYa know that GORGEOUS girl in those pictures? I am the most blessed girl EVER because THAT girl is MY best friend!!! :) I LOVED all the pics! So precious! And I love her...so much! Thanks for being her momma so that I get to have her too. :) Love you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a lovely post...and this is so true. My daughter will soon be 45 and she has two daughters 21 & 16, so I know how fleeting time seems to pass by and now matter how much you'd love to recapture those days they are gone...and hopefully we put as much into them as we possibly could.
What a beautiful girl you have...
Happy Mother's Day!!!
xoxo Gert
Linda ~ I love all that you share! Happy Mother's Day to you! Hugs ~ Teri
ReplyDeleteI wrote down the verses in Deut. 6. I'm still single but I always think information like this is so good...because that day will come eventually :) :) :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post and a beautiful girl. So enjoyed reading this. My girl is 15, growing up so fast. Happy Mother's Day!
ReplyDeleteHello precious ladies, I showed Tressa what I wrote. She liked. I also liked all the comments that you wrote. I think I made some Momma's think about their own children. That makes me smile. We are all so blessed are we not.
ReplyDeleteDayl, I agree, I am holding my breathe, smile!
Michelle, sweet comment.......... it is here and gone so quickly!
Nadine, I enjoy my girls and I am so thankful that I have had them everyday of their life. I am so rich!
Gert, loved your comment!Thank you for the comment about Tressy, she is as beautiful on the inside.
Teri, you are always so sweet to me! Thank you very much!
Heather, I am thankful that you will be reading Deut 6. it is such a wonderful verse for families!
Renee, You are so kind! I also have a 15 year old daughter. I loved every stage my girls went through.
Happy Momma's Day to everyone!
Blessings, Linda