Friday, December 30, 2011

My Blessings.........Right From The LORD!

Lo, Children are an heritage of the Lord: and the Fruit of the Womb is HIS reward. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them (even Grandchildren) Psalm 127:5

We are having lots of fun on the farm........lots of chatter  and I am hiding all of it in my heart! "When I was made from God"..........Reid, 4 years old, not sure what he was talking about.....that's least he knows he was made by God!!!!!!! Vitaliy is having a wonderful time with all his cousins..........that blesses me big time! Love being a Grammie.........will be spending my time today with them. Asked the 5 older boys who ages between 10-13, if they will always come to the farm for Grammie and Poppa Camp.....they said "yes", they are signing a contract today!!!!!! Heehee! 

Love you your day will be a sweet one! I have a few more days home before I have to go back to serve at the college......preparing my heart. God has been so good to us, so I have to try not to be sad!!!!!!

Well I am off to do some cooking for the kids Snowman Party! 

May Jesus bless your day!!!!!!!



  1. An amazing crew-you are blessed!♥♫

  2. Happy New Year, Linda!

  3. Linda -- indeed, you are a blessed grammie - enjoy those little ones :)


  4. I love, love, love this idea! When the grands get old enough, I'm doing Camp with them! Love your great ideas, Linda. Bless you.

  5. A precious and unforgettable picture. You will always remember this.

  6. Kids really are a blesing...and that includes grandkids, too :) :) What a joy, Linda...and look what God has done in your life :) :) :)

    Happy New Year to you and your family. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  7. What a wonderful picture of your heritage from the Lord. May God bless you and your family today and in the coming New Year! Happy New Year!

  8. Yes, what a blessing children are! And how we love having them around! May you be richly blessed in the new year. :-)

  9. Aw Linda, this picture is so precious! Many, many blessings right there. So thankful that you were able to add Vitaliy to your family this year. God is SO good! Have a wonderful time at your camp, I know you will. The question is... who will have more fun? Grammie or the kids? Hehe!

  10. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.


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God Bless your day!