Children......were sleeping........all over the house.......... not a creature
was stirring not even a mouse!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Snowlady was given to me for CHRISTmas from our oldest son's family. She greeted the children when they came. She stands about 3 feet tall............isn't she just adorable?
Hello........sweet ladies.....it is Tuesday night,
The house is all quiet now .........they have been gone for about 5 hours.......it is amazing to my honey, Tressa, Taylor how quiet our HOME is after the last set of children leave the farm. As soon as all the cousins enter the house...........they don't come up for air until they all leave!!!!! Talking, giggling, laughing uncontrollably goes on for the evening and all the next day. It is special that all the children can be together at the same time......in one place!

We had the house decorated in snowmen.........all over the house!

Thank you sweet friend.......you know who you are!!!!!!!!!
We served cheese dip with corn chips, little carrots, fresh cut apples and apple juice. Very simple!!!!!!! Then we all sat and watched the Measure Twice and Cut Once (it is on sale now)...........they all loved the video and hardly moved as they watched it.................they said things like .........."that looks easy"..........."cool"......can we do that(?)"......."my dad can find some extra wood" they were definitely excited.

The highlight before going to bed though was roasting mini marshmallows over a kerosene lamp (we use candle oil in ours). It was a riot. We have done this before......but our Vitaliy (orphan boy) eyes lit up!!!!!!!! The kids were very patient as each child took their turn to roast. Lots of giggling going on though! Then it was time to find the spots where they wanted to sleep.

A lot of happiness!!!!!!!!!!

A meeting under the table!!!!!!!!
To get them to calm down....... Tressa put on a Focus On the Family, Adventures in Odyssey. It works every time.
I had the baby with.......not much sleep had!!!!!!!! Smile.........who cares........I don't have to do this every night! Momma's out there...........you are wonderful!!!!

In the morning I got up early to get started cooking the snowman pancakes. I poured the maple syrup into a little snowman tea pot................they thought that was really fun! I used the Wilton Decorating Gel in black for the eyes and mouth and orange for the nose to decorate the snowman pancakes.

Later the children worked on their flags that they had started the last time they were here. They are making them for their fort.
We walked the farm to see the best place for their fort...........they all agreed on a place........that is for another day. It will be fun to see their fort go up. We need some warmer weather.........until then we will work....pray............plan and be ready!

They made cards for the manor and for Grandma Dixie (my Momma).

Vitaliy our little orphan boy......... was always close to Poppa Phil...........feeding the horses, chickens..........he loves everyone. He was always bringing a chicken into the house to get my response.............always had to smile! If you looked for Vitaliy......he wasn't very far from an animal!

Even our littlest grandson was put to work to make this day special. He put a napkin on every plate..........thought he was a really good helper...........HE was!

One of my favorite pic's of our time together.........Reid was wearing one of those one piece zip up the front pj's..........adorable and snuggly!

At different times through out the Snowman Party Camp........we would thank Jesus for our time. We even sang to Him......... Happy Birthday....................before we ate our snowman cakes (I will show you the cakes tomorrow.......it is going to be a special day...........a fun surprise........just wait and see)!
We just have memories now.........precious memories.......we all need those once in awhile............life is hard! I trust my grandchildren will do some of the same things we are teaching them to their children and grandchildren someday...............like loving the Word........working together.........serving each other and most of all having grateful hearts for all that the Lord does for them!
Father......thank you for thinking up children..........they truly are a gift from YOU! YOU are so wonderful.........would YOU please let our Grandchildren know you..........personally.............continue to use us.........we are willing!
So that was our party..........if you ever have one........please let us know. They are so fun and they can be so easy!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time. You're very blessed to have so many cute grandchildren and they are blessed to have you as well. Not many Grandmas I know would have them all over at once...LOL What special memories you will all have :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a delightful post this was! Love all the collages. Such fun had by all, it is obvious. I'd never have thought of roasting marshmallows over a kerosene lamp. LOL
ReplyDeleteLooks like they all had a wonderful time! What fun memories you are making for them :0)
Linda I just know the grand-babies are gonna remember these times for many years to come. What a wonderful tradition you have started. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Connie.......thank you for coming over and leaving me a comment! I so agree.......it does help that I have two teenage daughters that help out........they love having the grandbabies also! We live in a farm house........it isn't real big.........big enough though....... so we are all rather snuggly in the sleeping arrangements! I think it makes better memories though!
ReplyDeleteHi Cranberry.........it is sooooooo funny to watch them roast their MINI marshmallows. The bigger kids have to put on a few more to get a bite!
Hi Kim..........yes they have lots of memories.........trust that the Lord is doing the things He wants done in their little hearts! I always had such fun times with my Grandma Reid..........I will have them forever!
Amy this is so funny.......as I was commenting on my comments my computer told me that someone had just left a comment.......it was you! Kind of fun!!!! Happy New Year to you also!
How absolutley precious! Lady... you sure know how to throw a party....come over anytime! Giggle! You are so much fun! Blessings to you, enjoy the rest of your time off!
ReplyDeleteWaouh your camp seems wonderfull!!!
ReplyDeleteBlessings from France
Lindaaaaaaaaaa! YOU have a beagle? And I didn't knowwwwwwww this??? hm? hm? hehehe kidding.. It look like a great time was had by all!
ReplyDeleteHey PB......I don't know where you live....close by? Day dreaming is fun!!! It looks by your blog you are pretty fun also! I am savoring my time here in my HOME! My girls and I have giggled more and enjoyed our time not working....in the college kitchen that is.....we have still been working.....we are ladies right?
ReplyDeleteHi Suzel from France.....that just sounds cool......wish you could come to our farm......wonder....do you live on a farm? Your pictures on your blog look beautiful!
Hugs....off to a party tonight at some friends HOME...their son has been at a Bible School.....he is on fire! Can't wait to hear all that God has been doing with him! Me
Linda, I love this idea. When my grandsweeties are a bit older, I plan to do this as well.
ReplyDeleteWe got a new granddaughter a few days before Christmas, and one will be arriving in July 2011. Add that to the two other sweethearts, and you have a handful!
God is blessing us so much!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful Christmas Memories you have made for your grandbabies and family!
How about finding an old friend instead of making a new friend? I don't know if you remember me, but about 30 years ago you and Phil were very important people in my life and I have not forgotten your kindness and love you gave to me and my new baby girl. I would not of know what to do if it wasn't for your kind words, gentle spirit and delightful personality during those tough days.
Yes, it is me Dena.
That little baby is not 29 and doing just fine in her life. Later I had three more daughters. All just as beautiful and caring as my first little girl.
Love to catch up with you...and I will be reading more of your blog.
In His Love,
Hello dear friend...finally got to hear your voice, and it brought tears to my eyes. I will be snail-mailing you, since email is very public around here. Just please know that the Lord directed you to call AT JUST THAT MOMENT, and I thank you.
ReplyDeleteMany blessings to you, friend...you are doing amazing things for your family, and I am encouraged (again)
Sending a giant hug from the farm~