Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Have A Huge Favor!

Good MORNING!!!!!!!! It is Saturday and I am lovin it!!!!!!!!! I have loved my summer vacation to know end. Going back to the college is going to be full of new adventures and I am going to try to handle it the best I can. The Lord is right in front leading the way and I am right beside my sweet man and two girls. I am blessed and will continue to ask the Lord for those who need loved on! Pray with me. We get to cook anything we want at the bakery, so that will be fun in itself. I will put up some recipes that we make. You seemed to enjoy that last year. I get home in the afternoon at 2. Leaves us a whole other day almost. We have to get up real early, I mean early so that will be an adventure! Heehee. I like early, but "real early".......notta!

Went and checked the farm animals this morning.  See how the white ducks foot is out to the side. It is still limping around.....but  alive. YAHOO! Blesses my heart big time.

 The black duck was up and limp walking this morning, seems to like the little banty chickens...........yesterday all he could do most of the time was crawl. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!! So happy!

Went into the big coop.........look at Miss Girly........she was a "sittin" so pretty........the girls are laying real good again. It was so hot this summer and they didn't drink as much so only a few eggs a day. Poor things.......they are making up for it just in time.........I will be selling my eggs at the college......real blessing!

The Woods Family

Okay here is my favor. You know our son and daughter are going to be leaving in 2 weeks for the first part of the adoption process.........can't believe it. OUR GRANDSON IS ALMOST HOME! Can't wait. Anyway Tonya called this morning. She has a neighbor family who is adopting a little little boy named Blake with Downs Syndrome. The story is precious! You can watch the story on there web site! Anyway they were on Channel 3 in Wichita. Channel 3 had a lady say that she would would give up to $1.00 if people would leave a comment on their blog up to $1000.00 .......say anything that might encourage this precious family.  Isn't that the coolest?  I am really getting into this adoption thing. Love it that families are stepping out with huge obstacles in front of them and giving Christian HOMES to children that need Momma's and Daddy's There blog is called Home On The Range,  Click Here. Thank you Channel 3. 

Adopting Blake
If you do this, thank you sooooooooo much for your time. I don't know this family, but love what they are doing for this precious little one. 

The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40.

Hugs to your day........going to a Money Tree Shower for Josh's family.........going to be a special day! Vitaliy is going to be Home before we know it. The time has gone so fast. Remember to pray for "truth about their love for him would stay in his mind. Thank you! 



  1. OH wow, Linda! Thank you for this blogpost...thank you for helping us out by spreading the word...thank you for advocating for these children! We are so grateful! And we are praying for Vitaliy to come home quickly and safely! Godspeed!

  2. Linda,

    Happy Saturday to you! I am happy to see some of your animals are recovering nicely. God is good.

    Speaking of which.....we got nearly an inch of rain last night. Makes me so we are about 10 degrees cooler than had been forecast. YES!

    I went and left a comment on the Woods family blog. What special people they are! Praying for them, along with prayers for Vitaliy's adoption. May today's shower be a "home run"!!!

    Love you, Sis!


  3. Hello Sweet Friend...
    WOW!!! I have a lot of catching up to do : ) and there is a Beautiful Basket Full of prayer request...Needing some SERIOUS prayer.. I LOVE that idea of Giving and what a blessing for the News to broadcast their Adoption Story....Blessings My Sweet Friend...

  4. Hi Linda,

    Stopped by the Wood's blog :)
    Glad your animals are healing. Sweet pictures.
    Hope you are enjoying your Saturday :D


  5. Thank you for letting us know about the Woods Family, Linda. What a precious little boy. Thanking God for people who care.
    Hope the money tree shower brings in much.
    Love to you & yours. Can't wait to see Vitaliy home.
    God bless.

  6. Praying all around! Go visit my friend Annie at the House That Jade Built blog. Her third child Ollie has Down Syndrome! I will pray for the sweet baby you have here. What a delight in the Lord! He knows the mama and daddies that can handle the lifestyle of these precious angel babies!

  7. so much to pray for, praise God for and delight in ... sweet baby {down syndrome children are so precious}, vitaliy, farm animals. (((hug)))

    praying. yes, praying. :o)

  8. Just a quick note.......I am off to bed, but I had to stop and say I LOVE YOU PRECIOUS LADIES!!!!! What would this blog be without my precious friends. Do you ever think what a wonderful reunion we will all have in heaven. I can't imagine the fun it will be. We won't have to blog, leave comments........ever! We will all be living together in HEAVEN. Amazing. Thank you for taking the time to write the Wood nice to see you here Anna, Prairie Maid, Miss Ruby, Susan, Camille, Anne with an e and Miss jAne! You made my day.......I smiled when I say you all left a comment for me! You are really so so precious.......course I know I told you that at the at the end so you will never forget! Happy SONday! I will be thanking Him for you ALL!
    Hugs, me


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It is so appreciated and it makes me feel like I am making a new friend.

God Bless your day!