I didn't say I would share...........but the chickens thought different!
Good morning.........from my FARM......... sweet ladies,
You see that really beautiful wreath that is in my header? Well I have been having it hang on the milk barn during the snow.......thought it looked so pretty. Well I found my wreath on the ground in the milk barn buried in straw and alllllll the berries eaten off it. Those naughty chickens. It must have blown off the door on to the floor and wasn't noticed by my Farmer Honey...........awww....... so sad for me. It was one of my favorite wreaths. I looked for another on the internet.......couldn't find one. Not always sure how to find things. If you see something like this on your "goings abouts" please let me know. If you know of a place on the internet or in a store........please send me the info. I would be so happy! Thank you!
Mr. Cuckoo Maran

and Mrs. Cuckoo Maran said,
"they don't know anything about the wreath!"
I hope it doesn't make the chickens sick........just plain naughty is all I can say!

Picture from Wikipedia
My Cuckoo Marans have not laid any eggs yet.......but when they do.....
this is what they will look like...........I can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Last week in the kitchen we baked Banana Streusel Bread.....it is now a favorite!! It is so moist and a good way to use up those old brown bananas you have on your counter. For the topping we did it a little different then the recipe. We didn't have the Wether's Original Chewy Caramels available so we used a made up a carmel recipe that was found in an old Mary Jane Farm Magazine. They are the nummiest. Tressa makes them for CHRISTmas. We didn't bring the caramel to a full 245 degrees. Go about 200 degrees and drizzle over the top of the Banana Streusel Bread. You can bring the remainder carmel to 245 degrees and make the remainder into caramels. It really is a pretty bread! Give as a valentine gift........they will feel loved. Slip bread into a cellophane bag.....tie up with a ribbon.......and a valentine tag...........fast simple gift from you kitchen! I bet....... you could use the fully cooked caramels for the inside of the bread. We will have to try it.

Holiday Caramels
1 cup cream
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
1. Line an 8" square pan with 2 sheets of crisscrossed parchment paper.
2. Combine cream, sugar, corn syrup, and butter in a heavy 3 to 4 quart saucepan. Bring to boil over medium heat and cook , stirring, until the mixture reaches 245 degrees on a candy thermometer.
3. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and nuts (optional). Immediately pour into prepared pan, and allow to cool at least 2 hours or overnight.
4. After carmel has cooled, remove from pan and cut into 4 equal lengths; then cut each length into 10 equal pieces.
5. Wrap each piece in a 4" square of waxed paper, or store between pieces of waxed paper in an airtight container. (from and old Mary Jane Farm magazine)

This is a very very moist bread. You can find the recipe here for the Lemon Blueberry Bread! The first piece........ when it is still is a little warm.............will be the best piece. I put it in a round bundt kind of pan. It had a flat bottom.......kind of like an angel food pan. It looked so pretty on a pretty plate. Decorate with slices of lemon and fresh blueberries.
This morning I have been listening to Daily Audio Bible ............at the end there are prayer requests........I was so overwhelmed with the hurt that sin brings into the lives of believers families. Whether you want the pain or not........ if others choose to sin and you are close to them........you have to go through the tough times "of their decisions". I am not saying you need to sin yourself(!)......I am just saying you my hurt......... because of it. There seems to be a lot of suffering out there ladies........probably in your life and I know in mine as well. Keep lifting one another up in prayer.....please. It is the key to get through the tough times. I am praying for you.......even though you may never leave me a comment.........I know by the numbers on my meter reader that ladies are reading. God knows you.........by name..........and I am asking HIM to meet your needs. It matters to Him when we come and talk to Him......even when we don't feel like it............it truly matters. He is a precious Father!
Please keep praying for God's will for Vitaliy's life...........I miss him.........glad I can talk to the Lord about him.........I am........ consciously thanking God for the sweet times and the memories we had..........as some of you have encouraged me. Sometimes I can get bogged down on the "what if's" for the future and I forget to be thankful for what He has done for me in my past. I am working on it as I grow in this time of loss! It is a part of my walk with Jesus.......dying to self.....and learning to trust my God...... in a whole new way........not always a pain free process.......... but so necessary. Thank you for your prayers! I truly want to be there for you also. If you want me to pray......I will........... just email me!
P.S. When I was working on this post this morning...... just about ready to put it up.....I received a phone call from a very precious blogger friend. She has walked heartache that I have never known............she called.........and she blessed me.......in my sadness this morning. A gift wrapped in a beautiful bow...........sent straight from my heavenly Father! Reminds me of how Real He IS! It really was a precious thing ....it helped my day and gave it some JOY!! Thank you sweet friend!
Enjoy your Sat.........I will be stitching and cleaning..............in my HOME........all day long! I would love to hear from you! If you are working on something special on your blog.......let me know........... I will come over!
Hugs from my farm to your HOME!
It does seem there is so much heartaches and sorrow. You don't have to look very far to see it. We never know what the person sitting next to us in church is going through. I's thankful for those who do pray, and I want to be one who lifts others up in prayer and try to encourage them. Thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteHello your chicken look very smart with they grey costum!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd your bread, seems so yummy, can I have one piece?????
Blessings from France
Oh Linda...those chickens are sooo naughty..smile... I will keep a look out for a wreath like that, as I too just love it!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right there is lots of hurt in this world and what we can do is pray for those who have problems and hurts... And we continue to pray for your family and V...
Glad you are having a blessed day!!
xoxo Gert
Oh, I am so sorry about your purty wreath! But cute story about your beautiful chickens ;) I love those cuckoo marans, and someday I too will have some. For now I'm enjoying my wonderful Ameraucana colors! Thank you, Sweet Linda, for the comments about my dear Grandma (sadly, she passed yesterday.. but we are celebrating her life!). Praying for your family and precious Vitaliy. Take care and have a blessed Sunday!! Hugs from our farm to yours... Tammy
ReplyDeleteDear Linda, I'm sorry about your wreath...although I think it's kind of funny how the chickens are trying to act "innocent" those dark brown eggs are gorgeous. I've never seen any that color before. I wonder what makes different breeds lay different colored eggs. I'll be praying for Vitaliy!!!Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
ReplyDeletePraying for that sweet boy--always.
ReplyDeleteLove the innocent attitude of your chicken. I am thinking it could be an act. That was a beautiful wreath. Sorry.......
Hi, Linda: I feel the same about peoples' heartaches which seem to be everywhere. A friend lost her adult daughter. The father wants nothing to do with the children. My friend and her husband will need to raise them in their old age. The friend's husband is a selfish man...he thinks only of himself...how will he be of any help raising his grandchildren. Pray for wisdom and strength for the grandmother who will step up to the responsibility God has handed her but she will need all of our prayers. Please pray for her! Sorry about the wreath and the chickens are so cute that there is no way they could have eaten all the berries. Love, Mary S.
ReplyDeleteI was busy yesterday watching two little grandsweeties, so after church today I want to spend a lot of time in my sewing room.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to comment on my blog during your sewing day.
These recipes look good; I especially want to try the lemon blueberry bread. I have just a few berries left in my freezer.
what a nice recipe you share. thanks :)