Went to the coop this morning..........this picture always greats me. It is one of my favorites! We have a picture of a precious sister in love of her holding a chicken. I will have to find it in Grandma Jo's pic's. Whenever I see this one it reminds me of Linda (not me my sisser in love).
Good Morning.........sweet ladies!
It is Saturday....did you notice? I slept in just a little bit this Saturday morning........the sun was peeking through our bedroom window.......beautimous is all I can say! It is going to be a warmer day today than usual. Yesterday it was in the 70's.....our bones thawed out a bit. It felt so good leaving work.........on a Friday no less........to a beautiful sunny day........and very warm. When I got Home I went out to go check on one of my sick roosters. Talk about chicken problems on Prairie Flower Farm. I sure have had them this year. I read up on when your "chicken act drunk". He and another rooster (he died) were staggering all over. Some said they needed
electrolytes.......sooooooo.......I am trying it. I have removed him from the coop and he is snug as a bug in a rabbit hutch that was given to us. I gave him some more gatoraid. It is working great. I hope he will make it. The warm weather yesterday and today might help him. If you have any other ideas let me know please. I am learning!
I moved another nester in the coop for the girls. I counted the nest boxes this morning and I have 16 nests for them, thought I had less.......so I am so excited. I hope that might help them. So far the girls have not eaten any more eggs. I think the gathering them faster has helped a ton. Thank you to all the sweet ladies that left me helpful comments the other day. I did everything you told me to do............ except I don't think I will have to put in the golf balls!
Thought you might like to hear my roosters. Love it.........music to my ears!
If you have had a hard week I just want to encourage you to press on. Issues always seem to come up in our lives don't they. Some are very scary and they come like a rushing wind to knock us off our feet. It is so important to keep the Lord before us......stay in the Word.........trusting that He will bring us through. The enemy always wants destruction, that is what he does best. I know a lot of you precious ladies and families have huge situations in your lives. I pray for you that our Almighty God will bring you through. Life is hard here on earth........but He says He won't leave us. I am so grateful to know that. Our family does see that the hard times can be used for our good............ no matter how hard it is. It gives us opportunities to continue to love and forgive and not do harm. We don't want to find ourselves at the end of the day that we have not pleased the Lord........ in the best way we can. I have a precious prayer again from Praying God's Word by Beth Moore. I hope this will bring you comfort..........it has us.
You, O Lord, love me (us) with an everlasting love; You have drawn me (us) with loving-kindness. You will build me (us) up again and I (we) will be rebuilt. I (we) will take up my (our) tambourine and go out to dance with the joyful! Jer. 31:3-4.
Ladies if you are having tough times..............don't give up. Just keep doing good and try your best to do acts of kindness. We do have a Father that is watching ......... it does make a difference how we live! We can trust HIM!

Ladies this is the most most beautiful breakfast bar we have had in a long time. It is now our favorite. I found it on the internet and it is so so so nummy. It is a must try. I just sent it to my farm girl friend Gail and she is going to make it up. She is going to love it. You will also. I wish I could send you each a piece in the mail.
Thank you so much for praying for our Vitaliy...........we sent out our package........can't wait for him to open it! Our Tonya is such a precious Momma to him!
Love you and hope you have a wonderful day! We have a friend Rachel, who is coming today to the farm and she has only been to one farm before. She will get to go to the coop and gather eggs. Well she is now in our Home and she said "nooooooo I am not going to get eggs". So she is going to miss out....city girl!!!! heehee She said she will ride a horse instead. Now I will get pic's of that. We will try to make a farm girl out of her! Smile. Hi Rach! She reads my blog.
Hugs from our Farm and asking the Lord to bless your day,
Glad the chicks are doing better.The bars looked yummy! Thanks for the inspiration.Keeping you.your family and Vitaliy in my thoughts and prayers! Warm Blessings!~Amy
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog and about your days on the farm, Linda.
ReplyDeleteLove the picture of the little Amish girl...
I was reading in Psalms 104 this morning...."God stretches out the heavens like a curtain.....He makes the clouds His chariot....He walks on the wings of the wind".... We can't go wrong serving such a mighty God, can we?
My husband is having some health problems. Please pray....hoping nothing serious..
xxooxxoo from Texas ~
Dear Linda,
ReplyDeleteI'm having a really good day. I've been job hunting and applied for a job on-line. I'm not sure if I'll get it or not, but I applied, so I feel really good about that ;) :) Thanks for the encouragement. It's so important to have faith and trust in God even in the hard times :) :)
I hope your chickens will stay healthy and cute :) :) I alwayas enjoy reading about the animals on your farm :) :)
Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Linda ~ so glad the rooster is doing better because of the gatorade. But I would like to know what caused him to get sick (and your other rooster to die) in the first place? Did he eat something he shouldn't? Is it a disease? Inquiring minds want to know! :~D I will be keeping a close eye on my roosters? (Does it happen to hens also?)
ReplyDeleteThe breakfast bars sound delish! I will have to try some soon!
I can hardly wait for you to hear from Vitaliy! He is so precious in His sight as are you and your sweet family!
loved the video...so did my husband...nice coop!
ReplyDeletethe breakfast bars look so good, I saved and copied it...let you know how it is sugar free...the encouraging word is so true....
Hello Sweet Linda,
ReplyDeleteWe are having a beautiful morning..well afternoon now...the temp.is 73degrees and the children are outside enjoying the day...I wanted to catch up on some of my blogging before I find myself behind the sewing machine... : )
You know Are chickens haven't been laying eggs as much as they use to...we have been maybe getting 2-4 eggs every other day.. : (
Maybe they know that the Lord is moving and will be fully packing up soon...so they figure they would just close up shop for now until they get to there new home.. : )
I was a COMPLETE City girl myself until I met and married my Rancher Man...when we first got the chickens you couldn't keep me out of the coop...I just thought it was the most amazing thing...Chicken's really do lay eggs... : ) I loved hearing there clucking and running when they saw me coming.. knowing it meant food..: )
I'll never forget when I actually saw a Chicken lay an egg right before my eyes..."Praise The Lord...It's a Miracle.." now that is deffinatley living in the City to long...when seeing an egg being layed get's Miracle Status... : )
May your weekend be Full and Blessed
In Christ
ReplyDeleteI just loved hearing the Rooster in the background and visiting in the Hen House. And thank you for the up lifting scripture and thoughts. I love to visit here regularly!
Blessings and Hugs, Linnie
Hi Linda: I feel the same about the roosters crowing...reminds of my childhood waking up at grandma's house. I love the way the chicks respond to a kind voice. Everyone one and everything knows when they are loved and cared for and respond accordingly. I love your blog as well. The Holy Spirit definitely dwells in you and the Spirit within us responds as well. I have a friend named Pat who lost her 45 year old daughter on Christmas Eve. She was a single mom with three children 17, 14, and 11. The ex-husband will not take any responsibility. The youngest has Down Syndrome. Pat is married but her husband is not a caring man, so Pat has a lot on her plate and she is very angry at God. Please pray for this situation. I have my sweet daughter still and I don't know how I would react. Only God can remedy this and someday Pat will be ready to give up her anger. Thanks, Linda. Love, Mary S.
ReplyDeleteI love that sweet amish girly print by Nancy Noel....her amish art always takes my breath away....so pretty.
Was a wonderful and productive day around Faithfulness Farm. The sun shone brightly and it was warm IF you were standing out of the wind, lol. I do still live in Nebraska and boy can the wind blow. Our temps are supposed to dip way down again starting tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I look forward to fellowship in the morning and then we are taking a meal to a family where the Mom has been away for the last 12+ weeks getting treatment for an eating disorder. She has a sweet hubby and the most sweet 3 little tow-headed boys you ever saw (ages 1, 3 & 5). It has been real hard on them having their Momma gone for so long. My youngest daughter has been caring for them during the day while Daddy works. Grandma has come down from SD for a few weeks and my daughter was sure glad to see her come, lol. Keep this dear sister, Stacia in your prayers and she comes home and resumes real life that she seeks our Heavenly Father and doesn't go back to the eating disorder.
Well, have I prattled along here. Take care sweet sister in Christ :)
Hi Linda
ReplyDeleteNot sure if anyone has mentioned it, but perhaps you're chickens are lacking in something, maybe they need more grit in their diet(if they are eating their eggs). I sometimes give my chickens colostrum or raw milk(from cows) especially near the end of winter and coming into lay it seems to perk them up a bit and they love it! The little Amish girl is such a sweet picture.
It's a good thing I'm thinking of heading to bed (busy day), for otherwise I might be tempted to make that breakfast bar right now!! Looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteAnd wasn't it generous of God to make all those beautiful birds, including roosters, to put in the world He set us in. I never cease to be amazed at His grace.