You are welcome to use this photo if you like.
........that today is the first day of Autumn? One of my sweet blogger friends wrote today and told me. That makes my heart very happy! It has been a very long and hot summer here and I really need a about you? I love it when I can open all the windows and let the cool breeze come through the windows.........past the curtains...........and then into our HOME to make it smell............. like the fresh outdoors. Happy thought. I think everyone is ready.

You are welcome to use this picture.........if you would like.
The other day our little grocery store in our town had a lot of pumpkins in front of the store..........three of them said they wanted to come HOME with me........what could I say? This is the first year for sometime that I didn't get to put in a pumpkin patch. I love all the little white ones.......... I have a favorite little Market place that sells pumpkins and gourds. Maybe this weekend I can go and pick some some apples.........need to put up some applesauce. I am really in the mood to get some decorating done. Are you doing anything special.........please leave a comment and we will come and see!!!!!!

I have been playing with picnik on the pictures. You are welcome to use picture, if you would like.
There is pitter patter on our roof............right now..........rain...........we have needed it so badly.........I bet my sweet potatoes are taking a drink. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get them out of the ground................. if we didn't get some rain soon. I love the sound of rain.........don't you? Especially on a tin roof. Oh my......... it is really starting to rain as I type. I am going to run out to the front porch and see if I can take a pic.
I am back. We have a beautiful storm coming in. The clouds are so low. There is a lot of fog coming..........wish you could see it. Really pretty. All the little spots on the picture are rain drops from when the flash went off. We are very thankful for the the ducks are enjoying themselves.
I haven't shown you pic's of Sophie lately..............heehee. Today Tress was able to take two adorable ones. She is so precious...... ...she has such would think that we thought she was a real human baby. She is getting very playful..........even though she is so little.
Sleepy time..........she plays hard and then she is out! She came to us just when we needed something to love on.
Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments about our loss of the duck and chickens. You all are the sweetest.................. as I have said before!
I need to be getting some things done before turning in. One more day and I get to come HOME! Can't wait!
This is what I pray for you all............ asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we (I) pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1: 9-14.
You are me...........and JESUS!
I love this scripture. We have prayed this for our children many times.
Welcome to all the new have been sooooooo noticed!
Hugs from the Farm to your HOME!
You do such a beautiful job with your pictures, Linda! Thank you for your sweet prayers~I'll be emailing you soon.
ReplyDeleteLove to you,
I love Autumn! But I heard the weather man say that we're headed for another heat wave here in California!
ReplyDeleteOnce again I find myself agreeing with Kathy..but I do believe I have said it before as I am sure many others have as well...Your Pictures are amazing...not just are the Pictures but you Linda...well more like the Lords work through you is amazingly beautiful...You truly are an inspiration as you work so hard and yet come home and still get so many things accomplished..Your a blessing to all of us..and ME especially..
ReplyDeleteRest Sweetly
In Christ
Love your pumpkin pics!! We have a bit of fall finally here today. It's only in the 60's! Love it! Your little kitten is ADORABLE!!!
I just love how your fluffing the nest outside! I love to knit outside in this cool weather--I need to decorate a bit though:-) What an adorable kitty!!! My 4th daughter is Sophie:-) I am having a little knitting giveaway on my blog--do visit!
ReplyDeleteSophie is a sweetheart of a kitten...and I think in that first photo it looks like she's smiling on purpose :) :) :) Enjoy this time while she's still little...she'll still be sweet when she's full grown...but there's something about babies...:) :) :)
ReplyDeleteOh pumpkins...I LOVE cool you could find some to bring home and decorate with...I'm glad they "spoke" to you at the market :) :) :)
I read about the chicks and the ducks and I was sad...but then I was happy that some of them had been found!!!! Enjoy your weekend!!!! I'm glad you are getting some rain. We had some rain last week. Now it's sunny...but cooler outside :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hi Linda, typing slowly as my fingers regain the knack; a while back I went to lde Time Pottery and they had just began putting out fall things. I bought a set of resin figurines of native American Indians and pilgrims. I like to have as much natural/dried items to go with my decorating. We view Sept through Nov as harvest time but also with thoughts and conversation of the history that is there. As we do not observe Oct 31 we do pray against the wickedness, ones that are caught, trapped by satan in that realm, and the practice, rituals etc that actually do occur at that time.
ReplyDeleteOur valley is showing change in its colors, though we have had a very dry summer, the colors are still pretty.
Tomorrow I hope to work in some of my flower bed, weeding, a joy for me.
May the Lord bless your days in what you set your hands to do.
In Joy,
ps the monarchs were something to see, such wonder of God.
Your Sophie is so cute. I wish we could get some of your rain here in Memphis.
ReplyDeleteThat Sophie is such a poser! She is cracking me up putting one paw over her eye! Pray for us. My daughter and her husband and son are moving Oct 78th but gave up their house earlier than they can move. They have a dog Trek and he does not play well with other dogs. We are watching Layla their boxer but my son-in-law and Trek are camping for a few weeks. Pray that we can get Trek to welcome the other pets we have here so all can live in peace and harmony until the move. I am always praying about the pets and I think God must smile. :) Have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe rain photo was delightful
What a sweetie Sophie is! Now is there anything that shouts "Fall" like a bright orange pumpkin? Have a wonderful Fall weekend!
ReplyDeleteYou take such beautiful pictures & I love that you tie them all to the Lord! He has given us such beauty around us & you help us to see it! Thank you & God bless you! Karla
Linda..Hello... sorry I didn't write a comment yesterday...Love all your pictures...especially the 'rain' ~smile~ I'm off to putea little Fall on my website... (thank you)
xoxo Gert
Woaah! Pick-a-boo kitten, she's very lovely and want to kiss her :D