Hello Sweet Ladies:
First off........thank you for the encouragement and comments that you sent yesterday.........you never know just what they will mean to the blogger you have written to at the end of the day. I am sure some of you have awaken and the morning just feels a little heavy. I try to always just commit my day to the Lord and ask if He could just lift off what ever it is that seems to be bothering. I did. I was on my face asking and also asking Him to meet all of your needs. I know I don't know all of you personally but I know He does. The day was going to get very interesting.......
If you remember I had heard the song and the words really ministered to me. I asked the Lord that your day be filled and overflowing with HIS PRESENCE. Well I was going to need it also. We came home from church and there were killed chickens and two ducks all over our farm. It was horrible. We have had this before just not so many at one time. When you live on a farm dogs come..............we know probably what happened.....but can not prove it. Most farmers read the ground.....meaning they look for foot prints... tracks.....tire tracks on the lane and such. We found paw prints. Large........ the dogs have been before. Almost killed our daughters dog........killed our family cat.........and 6 other chickens and came back and finished off some ducks......that was the last time. This time it was all but two of my little teenage chickens. About 25......the ones that Little Miss Fluff, Mrs. Americana and Little Red.........had hatched........the dogs also killed Little Miss Fluff and Mrs. Americana. They also killed my polish Momma and Daddy. The ones I have shown you with the fluff on the top. Also lots of my older chickens. They didn't get in the big coop. The killed Mrs. Puddle Duck and one of her babies. It was horrible. They were everywhere. As you know I am a little sentimental about my animals. I guess when you live on a farm........you are pretty attached to your animals. I am not one to go doing a lot of visiting.......time is just to busy when you are raising your food for the winter and working just to keep things going. Anyway..........God used what happened yesterday. My daughters went into high gear to protect and love on their Momma. They showed such compassion. The boys came out because one of the Momma Cows is still having problems and they were so precious also. Mr. Phil and the girls took care of the war zone. It was so ugly and they spared me from having to take care of things.......that is love! I called the family that I thought who's dogs came over........ I won't go into it......but I will have to deal with it. I have a choice..........to be bitter.........or leave it with the Lord..........I am doing my best.........to not get bitter...........I have precious daughters that are watching how I handle this.........bitterness in itself is a very destructive war zone. When I went to bed the thoughts started attacking my mind....... I had a choice again.........I know the thoughts will come.......but I refuse to let them take root in my heart...........I have been there......it is not a pretty place to be. God will meet me..........He will give the victory.............last night I got an unexpected call from a my blog friend Sherry.............she said it was a real battle for her to even get through to me on the phone. She asked her husband to pray because every time she dialed my number it was getting messed up. That is so precious of her to not have given up. When she finally got through to me she found out why she was to call. She filled my heart with the truth of the Word. It was a precious time.........right when I needed it. I am sure you all know of times that has happened to you.
All together about 30 or do chickens are dead. YUK! Such a waste. They were going to be my new laying chickens for spring. I can start over. Maybe will have to get a new incubator. That is a good idea......now that I think about it. It's not to late. Just the sound of new baby chicks is maybe what would make this Farm Girl happy! Smile.
So all the things I wrote in the post yesterday.............still the same.......because Christ doesn't change just because of our circumstances............He is a Rock..........one that we can stand on.........I will do my best as I trust HIM. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.
On Saturday Mr. Phil and I were in charge of our new little baby kitten.........the girls were going to be gone all day at the State Fair. You would have thought that we had a real baby.We had to go down to a friends to work on parts of the fence and yes..........little Miss Sophie had to come. It was a total riot.

We gathered all the important things.............
Sophies, little box that she sleeps in.......Sophie.........bottle...........formula..........and diaper wipes.
Linda's......... Sentbug and smellin stuff..........2 bags with craftin stuff to work on as Mr. Phil drove.We had to take her into Tractor Supply.........which was a hit for her. The truck is old and doesn't have an air conditioner and it was hot on Saturday. She made our day as funny as that might seem. Nothing like a dependent little kitten.......makes you feel like the MOM! I took some pictures..........thought all you kitten lovers would like.

Sophie looking sweet! She was liking her lips. Cutie cute!

Sophie sleepin! She was so funny.... she would stretch all out.

Sophie really sleeping!
Hope this ends on a happy note. I know all of you have your stories and I read them on your blogs. I don't have the time like I used to get over and read all..........but I do try to visit.
This week we have to be at work at 6:30. It will be an adjustment. We then will work up to 6:00. Ugh! Smiling.........right!
Also today inspectors are coming. That is a little scary! Thank you for the prayers.
I woke up to this email from my friend Sherry. Thought it was worth writing. You will be blessed.
"God the Father has us in His hand - carrying us day and night. No harm can come to us unless
He Himself permits it. He loves us and know what is best for us. Comforting isn't it!"
He Himself permits it. He loves us and know what is best for us. Comforting isn't it!"
Yes my Sherry it is.
Love and hugs from the Farm to your HOME!
... am so sorry for your losses and kaos but you are correct.. Jesus is our Rock!!! God bless.. I still remember my first thought about your pattern for the tea bag cozy (before I knew what it was) I still smile at my thoughts... almost felt like Amelia Bedelia !
ReplyDeleteI am so so sorry to hear about your loss, I know they are all like family members. My heart is aching for you and your family. I know sometimes it is hard not to be bitter, but GOD does give us the strength to move on even when a part of us wants to hold on.
ReplyDeleteLove and prayers,
Yes, farm animals are family and it is so hard to let them go. I can't imagine the frustration and sadness you must have felt when you came upon that scene. But know that your post today will always be remembered - your attitude and trust in God and ability to move on with a light heart will get me (and others) through a difficult time someday, I'm sure. Thank you for sharing, and again I'm so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteOh Linda, I am so sorry to hear about this. If you are like me, my mercy heart feels for those little creatures. I really appreciated that little bit of encouragement that Sherry sent you today. Thanks for sharing :-)
ReplyDeletePraying that He who gives so freely of His glorious grace with so bathe you in it, that you will feel the healing balm over that horrible and painful incident. We eventually gave up on poultry after so many fox attacks. There was a pen the size of a tennis court there when we took over that property and the fences were high, but they would get in or under or somehow and it was just not worth it at the time.. But is is hard.
ReplyDeleteHowever it is God who justifies......and He does. Hope you can make the run a little more secure from miserable dogs who should be kept home.
I have to chuckle when I look at Sophie...when Moggie was tiny she slept in my bed and scurried to the end of the bed and for the first 5 mornings I reached out a foot and went "oh yucky pooh" She did get better ...quite quickly. But at 4 weeks she was only about that size. Kids had killed the Mother and council workers took the kittens to the vet....and I had to put one down so came home with the babe in arms...or boobs...she loved to be in the neck of my shirt.
Hope her love comforts you right now.
I am so sorry to hear about your precious flock. Yes, I have been there in the past with chickens, ducks, and goslings. So heartbreaking. Once, we had a vicious attack by a former neighbor's dogs (someone who 'rescued' dogs from town and then sadly, didn't properly care for them). I lost my precious baby bottle calf that day. Who would have thought? A calf? We've tried to make this chicken coop & run "Fort Knox" but truth is, you just never know what might happen -- no matter how much we prepare.
ReplyDeleteSending lotsa hugs! And yes, that little Sophie sure ended this heartbreaker of a story on a sweet note! :) -Tammy p.s. Our Orscheln Farm & Home has baby chicks right now. Guess it's not too late!
I am so sorry for all your family is going through. We lost two of our chickens to a coyote last night. I feel a little less sorry for myself reading about your loss. The Lord is mindful of all things great and small.
So sorry for your loss! Your blog is so sweet, I love reading your posts. I can tell just from following you how tender your precious heart is! I pray that God will comfort you today, and your sweet family. It's amazing how you can pray for someone you've never met - God is sweet like that giving us that bond of Christ! Many blessings today!
Dearest Linda,
ReplyDeleteI Can't say I know fully how you feel but I can empathize with you as we had something similiar happen with our last batch of chickens we had..and actually my husband..even being the man that he is..couldn't help but feel devistated because our Bantam Rooster who would follow him around where ever he went and talk to him..( it was very cute) was killed as well..You know it's not so much the Killing of animals but it's the How it's done that makes the difference...and it only serves to remind us that we as humans have taken on the roll of savage beast...in the Killing of INNOCENT LIFE..May the Lords Mercy be upon us and May we remember daily the life of the Brutaly and Savagely Slain Innocent...
Linda, know that you will be in my prayers...
In Christ
You are in my prayers too, friend. So sorry for the situation, and I get the whole bitterness thing. Seems that so many of us are facing that choice, but praise the Lord for your desire to please your Savior. I love you~
So sorry to hear this sad news....I'm sure it felt devestating; and yet, God sustains us through it all and helps us to keep focused on what really matters and what is important. We've had this happen to us as well only not on so large a scale. God may use this and you to reach this other family who owns the dogs for His Glory. We can pray to that end and when we are praying for someone it is hard to be bitter against them....
ReplyDeleteOh my dear, dear Linda..you are really being tested. I am soooooo sorry to hear this news, you are such an inspiration to all of us. This has to be so difficult to accept and to keep strong in Christ. You certainly are in my prayers and yes, you certainly did end on a 'smiley' note...love that baby kitten..so precious. Thank you for sharing all this news with us. I just know God hears all our prayers for you.. and your loving family.
xoxo Gert
Linda, we are *so* sorry for your loss! Words can't describe how sad this is. What a thing to come home to! My dear cousin just lost her pet rooster to a raccoon, almost right in front of her eyes! I know it's nature, but it is still sad.
ReplyDeleteYou are in my prayers!
Love Johanna
I am so saddened to hear of this tragedy. I can't begin to imagine what it was like. The Lord will deal with the owners of the dogs, I feel sorry that the dogs must not be properly taken care of. May God comfort you in your loss and give you strength to start over at the right time. I'm glad you have the kitty to bring you some joy. I'm so sorry Linda.
ReplyDeleteSad with you and FOR you. And WHAT'S with the long hours at work????
ReplyDeleteLinda~I am so sorry that you lost some of your critters. It must have been a real shock when you came home from church. We have a problem here with racoons and coyotes getting our critters. So, when I got my chickens this year, we built a pen for them that is enclosed on the sides and top, so nothing can get in. So far, it has worked. I would love to have them free to wander around, but know they would disappear if we did.
ReplyDeleteAgain, I feel for your loss!!!
Hugs, Sue K
Oh my. I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope new mercies come for you tomorrow morning. What a testimony in the way you are handling such a hard situation, and for sharing your faith. May God bless you.
Oh how quick these things can happen and all we can do is pull up our bootstraps and continue on. You are strong and your wisdom of showing your children how you react, well you are an inspiration. Sorry of your loss my dear.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear of your loss Linda. Your blog title is wonderful. We do have a choice...praise Him we do have a choice! I know He will honor you for making the right choices moment by moment. What a great family you have to step in like they did :) Thanks for sharing and you're in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteOh Linda... I'm at a loss for words... I am so sorry for your loss. I believe satan is hitting you and your family hard, he knows your LOVE for the Lord and he does not go after the families that are not living their lives for HIM. Trust in the Lord and know how sorry I am for you and that I care and love you and your family and I will be lifting you up in prayer.
ReplyDeletePlease take care, I wish I could give you a hug right now!!!
Love Carissa
I think that little kitty Sophie is there to help protect you. I am so sorry about your sweet pets. Sophie will help make you smile but I know you love your sweet farm pets. I am so blessed to know you and you have such lovely daughters helping you deal with this. You are in the midst of a beautiful family. God Bless You! Anne
ReplyDeleteHow devastating, my heart goes out to you.
ReplyDeleteLinda, my heart aches for you and your family. I am so sorry to hear about this loss for you all. However, I love the way your family is showing love to you and the way you are teaching your daughters. You're right, you have a choice on how to react; and you remind us that we all have choices each day in how we react to various situations in our lives. Thanks for sharing this story with us and teaching us through your example. Heather
ReplyDelete(((((( GIANT HUGS TO YOU ))))))
ReplyDeleteI too have felt your deep heartache..But at the hands of a fox..Several times..(((((HUGS))))
Love In Him,
Granny Trace
Oh, Linda. My heart is so heavy for you and I have tears in my eyes. I wish you didn't have to go through this, but I know God will carry you through. I know how hard it is to loose ONE chicken to a neighborhood dog... it's beyond comprehension to loose so many at once! Will definitely pray for continued grace from the Lord. And can I add how DARLING that little kitten is??!!
ReplyDeleteDear sweet friends, thank you for all the sweet comments. I was so encouraged! It was so not nice on those dogs and please keep praying for us as we have to make some decisions on what to do. This is the 4th time that they have come to the farm. They have had a taste of blood and they say that is very dangerous. It could be a child next time.
ReplyDeleteI want you to know that God has blessed my life so much with sweet sweet ladies.........and that is you all!
I wish I could write to each one that wrote me here. I just finished up a post and put it up seconds ago. I am so tired now and need to get ready for bed. I hope I can come back and answer each of you..... if not.......know that I love each one of you for being so special! My daughters are blessed by you also. Just want you to know that!
Bunches of hugs to each of you!
So sorry about all the chickens and ducks, it must have been such a shock to come home to that. Praying that the Lord our God hold you in his hand the same way you are holding little Sophie.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is so in love with your Sophie. We had a Momma cat that left her kittens when I was very young and we fed them with an eye dropper. One of those cats turned into the best Momma cat. She would take all the kittens other mother cats orphaned and looked after them as if they were her own.